French winter sports resorts were full this season

by time news

The activity report for ski resorts this winter is “very good”. This is the observation drawn up by the Observatory of mountain resorts. The level of attendance has even become higher than before the pandemic

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The February 2022 vacation which has just ended traditionally marks the time for the first figures. As for this season, the indicators are looking good with an occupancy rate for all accommodation close to 90%, up sharply compared to winter 2019-2020. The resorts were once again full despite very uneven snow cover.

All of the massifs took advantage of the four weeks of school holidays. The Northern Alps first with an occupancy rate of 87% of reception capacity, ahead of the Southern Alps and the Pyrenees at 84 and 83% respectively, in other words practically the same volume. In terms of customers, the British have regained first place in international attendance. The podium is completed by Dutch, Belgian and French customers. Ski professionals can therefore say a big thank you to foreign customers.

Before summer, there is still spring break. The National Association of Mayors of Mountain Resorts (ANMSM) wants to be cautious because, for now, spring bookings are lower than last year.

But the real challenge concerns future years. Faced with climate change, low and medium altitude resorts must reinvent themselves today. Snow is becoming increasingly rare there each year. It has been calculated that up to 2000 meters the snow cover duration has decreased by one month since 1970 and several weeks will be added over the next decade.

Some resorts have already begun their transformation by expanding their offer of activities: four-season tobogganing, mountain biking routes, etc. At least 300 French stations are affected by this rapid development of the economic model, which will require new investments that are sometimes very costly.

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