French women’s team: against Sweden, the Blues finally want to achieve a benchmark match

by time news

Good news ! Les Bleues will not face Germany this Tuesday afternoon in a preparation match for the World Cup in New Zealand and Australia from July 20 to August 20, 2023. The German formation is, in fact, on the way to becoming the black beast of the France team. After having shattered the hopes of the players of Corinne Deacon on July 27 during the semi-final of the Euro (2-1), Die Nationalelf (their nickname) again came to the end of the Bleues on Friday evening (2-1) in friendly.

While the French women had only been defeated once between the 2019 World Cup at home and the Euro this summer (0-2 against the United States in April 2021), they were beaten twice by France. Germany in just over two months. A certain fragility in the face of the big world nations is coming to the surface.

More than 15,000 spectators expected in Sweden

The French, deprived of Griedge Mbock, Marie-Antoinette Katoto, Sakina Karchaoui, Sandie Toletti and Élisa de Almeida, will have the opportunity to calibrate themselves this Tuesday against one of the best teams on the planet, Sweden. The Scandinavians, Olympic vice-champions in title and semi-finalists like them of the last Euro, will be supported by 15,500 spectators at the Gamla Ullevi in ​​Gothenburg.

After the setback against Germany, the coach and her players were optimistic about their ability to face the top of the world. “The gap is narrowing despite everything between these two nations (France and Germany), declared Corinne Deacon, while qualifying. We know that we still have work to do, we knew it before the match, we know it after the match. »

“We produced a good game, it just lacks that little extra in terms of efficiency,” added Bordeaux’s Lindsey Thomas. Midfielder Charlotte Bilbault insisted on the lack of “cutting edge and determination of her team. “We must have this mentality of rage, of aggressiveness”, supported the Montpellier. To be checked this Tuesday against the Swedes.

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