Friday, April 15 at “THE TASTE OF HEALTH”: Egg or chocolate first?

by time news

If we were to classify foods according to their biological protein value, in the first place we would certainly find the egg, with a perfect shape that contains a new life! In fact, the proteins contained in eggs are an exemplary combination of all the “essential” amino acids, that is, those structural units that our body is unable to synthesize on its own and which, therefore, must take with the diet.

Around 2 billion eggs are consumed every day in the world and, in Italy alone, 150 per person per year, because they are among the cheapest, most versatile and easy to find foods. We generally call hen’s “eggs”, otherwise the different origin must be specified.

In the kitchen, eggs are important pillars of many sweet and savory recipes: whole or with separate yolk and albumen, alone or as an ingredient to bind, firm, leaven, thicken, enrich, emulsify; moreover, they can be prepared boiled, scrambled, poached or fried.

Despite all these premises, in many cases eggs are accused of being potentially harmful to human health. But are eggs really bad for those with “fatty liver”? And are they useful against cardiovascular diseases? Is it true that it is best to avoid them if you have high cholesterol? How do you know when they are fresh? And how many can you eat a week?

The next episode of “The Taste of Health“, The weekly column, conceived and coordinated by the immunologist Mauro Minelli, referent for Southern Italy of the Foundation for Personalized Medicine, will highlight the properties of the egg, its multiple values, cultural even before gastronomic and nutritional, customs and traditions to which it is historically linked. All the more so in the period in which the egg becomes a symbol of Easter and during which it is found in various forms, from that of hen to that of chocolate.

The new episode of Il Gusto della Salute, sponsored by the Foundation for Personalized Medicine, will, as always, be shared by the channels of the group starting at 3 pm on Friday 15 April

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