Friday night in Borno Paolo Hendel in “Niente padella!”, semi-serious biography of Sergio Staino

by time news

Borno. Friday August 23rd at 9pm in the skating area of ​​Borno the inauguration takes place First National Prize Sergio Staino-Pitoon with the presence of a great actor like Paul Hendrickengaged in a monologue entitled “Don’t Panic!”, a semi-serious biography dedicated to his friend Sergio Staino. Admission to the show is free.
Biting but tender, sarcastic but sentimental, mocking but empatheticand above all always polite in his satire: this is Paolo Hendel who kicks off the first edition of the Sergio Staino – Pitoon National Award. On August 23 Hendel will be on stage in Borno (Skating, 9.00 pm) to present his monologue “Niente Panico!” directed by Gioele Dix.
“I wanted to dedicate part of the show to the memory of Sergio Stainowho passed away after a long illness. A friend – says the Tuscan actor – a critical voice of the left, lucid and often little listened to. On stage there is a cardboard cutout of Bobo. Sometimes I count who is no longer here. And I discover that many friends are leaving lately. This is too much for my taste and so I make fun of death to play with the audience and exorcise everything that weighs on us”
The monologue revolves around daily visits to a friend who is hospitalizedto whom Hendel tells what’s happening in the world every time, and, obviously, there’s no shortage of topics. “Friends who leave,” he concludes, “And I ask myself: is it possible that with all the technology there is no way to communicate with them? With 5G you can reach everywhere! Then maybe I find a recorded voice: ‘I’m Saint Peter and I’m answering from Albania, how can I be of help?'”

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