Friday the 13th: Statistics Reveal Whether You Should Fear This Unlucky Day

by time news

Friday the 13th scares many people.

Pexels/Cottonbro Studio

PublishedSeptember 13, 2024, 04:59

SuperstitionFriday the 13th – Statistics reveal whether you should be scared today

The number 13 makes many people feel uneasy. When it falls on a Friday, many feel uncomfortable. However, there’s no need to worry.

Friday the 13th: Statistics Reveal Whether You Should Fear This Unlucky Day


In the western world, the superstition surrounding Friday the 13th is deeply rooted. Many people avoid important appointments on this day – and in hotels or airplanes, the 13th floor or seating row is often missing. This year, superstitious people must face Friday the 13th three times. But what is the truth behind this myth?

Origin of Friday the 13th

The negative connotation of the number 13 is deeply rooted in Christian tradition. At the Last Supper, there were 13 people present, including the traitor Judas. Therefore, the 13 is often regarded as the “dozen of the devil.” In fairy tales, it is also often associated with misfortune: it was the 13th fairy who cursed Sleeping Beauty in the Brothers Grimm’s version, putting her into a hundred-year sleep.

The black cat from the left is also said to bring bad luck.

The black cat from the left is also said to bring bad luck.


Statistics debunk fear

Fortunately, there are reassuring facts about this legendary day: Traffic accidents do not occur more frequently on a Friday the 13th than on other days. Studies confirm this. A large insurance company also found that no more claims occurred on this day than usual. So you can confidently go ahead with your plans – whether it’s a wedding, a trip, or just a normal day at the office.

Do you behave differently on a Friday the 13th?

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