“Friend for an hour”: will you renew?

by time news

Nikolai Sergeevich (Sergey Shakurov, star of the TV series “Pishcheblok” and the western “Among strangers, a stranger among friends”) is the chief pediatrician of a Moscow hospital. He always got along better with patients than with adults, and adults did not forgive him insults. They asked for a pension in the darkest hour, when nothing but work was left in the life of Nikolai Sergeevich. He didn’t make any children, nor any money. Everything that I saved up went to a cozy house in the Moscow region and the treatment of my beloved wife Marina (Evgenia Simonova from Afonya and Ordinary Miracle). Marina died a year ago. The house without Marina lost both comfort and meaning.

Without thinking twice, Nikolai Sergeevich decided to follow. But a chance meeting with a dumbass Lekha (Boris Dergachev from the dilogy “Walk, Vasya!” And the series “Free Relations”) makes him linger a little in this world. The pensioner turned out to owe an unbearable amount, and Nikolai Sergeevich is one of those who always pays his debts. He gets a part-time job at a unique Lekhin startup. It’s called “Friend for an hour”: you’re barraging with a client all night at his expense, plus a dozen extra for the company. Fun and money. But, it would seem, who needs an old friend? Fortunately, Nikolai Sergeevich always got along well with children.

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