Froggy – Entertainment – Noa Ben Gigi in a premiere interview: “I assume there will be children who will not accept that the previous Yuli will not be”

by time news

A new star around? 14-year-old Noa Ben Gigi bursts onto the screen in the first lead role in the successful children’s series “Shakshuka” which will premiere today with its third season (here educational). Ben Gigi will play a character named Yuli who will take the place of the previous Yuli (Danny Dreamer – D.S.) who, according to the plot, relocated abroad. In her debut interview in Froggy, the young actress talks about her concerns, exposure at such an early age and how active her parents are In career management?

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“The first time I thought about becoming an actress was two years ago,” says Noa about the beginning of her journey as an actress. “The reason is that I discovered that the game is an interesting, diverse world and that it is possible to connect with a character with a different personality from me every day.”

Tell us about the first project you starred in and how did you feel when you first became famous?

“The first project I participated in was in the film ‘Iran 3’. When I saw myself for the first time on the screen in its screening, it made me feel that I was successful in what I was doing and I actually realized that the acting world was the place for me. When the screening was over, a lot of children came to me, asked questions, They said I played well and I was really excited that children like and admire what I do.”

What is it like to be part of such a big production?

“At first I was a little stressed, both because this was my first role and also because the film was filmed in another country, which is Georgia. Over time, I began to get used to the situation, I got along very well with the other actors and the environment became more fun, because after all, being friends with everyone is an important part of filming. In the end Of course, it was exciting to be part of such a production and very honorable to participate in such a film at my age.”

Today the third season of “Shakshuka” (here educational) comes out with your participation. How exciting is it to join the series?

“First of all, it’s a big shock for me to play the character in the first place, but I’m more excited that the season is answering. The feeling of joining the series is special, because it’s the first time I’ve taken part in such a framework of a TV series, thanks to the Amira Bouzglou cast who discovered me and didn’t give up on me.”

© Finney Disposal, courtesy of Educational Here

Describe for us your first meeting with the cast of the series.

“The truth is that I was a little worried before meeting the actors, because after all they had all been with each other for two seasons, but we connected from the very beginning. I thought that my joining the cast would be difficult and the initial connection with the actors was different from my expectation.”

What can you tell us about your character, Yuli?

“She is very interesting, mainly because she joins a new environment. The other characters don’t accept Yuli that much at first, so she tries to deal with this difficulty until she manages to get along with them, but still in every episode a new problem pops up that she tries to solve.”

© Courtesy of Educational Here

Did you feel like you were taking the place of last July? (in place of the actress Dani Dreamer who played a character named Yuli)

“I think it’s half power,” Noa replies and explains. “On the one hand, the audience expects to see the original actors and on the other hand, the addition of the new Yuli is interesting and innovative. Especially when the previous Yuli supposedly left for another place, I think this is an opportunity to introduce a new character and create a switch in the plot for the audience watching the series.”

How was it for you to collaborate with actors like Itai Turgeman and Reut Alosh and play their daughter?

“I had the honor of playing with Itey and Zeit especially that I play their daughter, because that’s how I was able to get to know them in my everyday life and they are both very funny. After all, there are many celebrities who don’t show who they are beyond the screen, compared to Tey and I who do and they Much funnier than what they present themselves on TV.”

© Courtesy of Educational Here

Do you think it’s wise to start a career under the spotlight at such an age?

“I personally think that starting a career at such an age and in a series like ‘Shakshuka’ is a success. Obviously, this is accompanied by concerns, but when you are exposed to the spotlight at a young age, that way you will get to know this world better when you grow up and know exactly who is against whom.”

How do you deal with advertising at your age?

“Listen, I myself don’t know because I haven’t experienced it myself yet. What’s more, I assume that once the series comes out, the kids won’t accept that the previous July won’t be there, that there will be reactions like ‘wait, why isn’t that July here?’ And you have to deal with them. I think I will know how to accept both the good and the less good reactions.”

© Courtesy of Educational Here

In addition to being an actress, you also teach English. How did you get to such a situation at your age and does it give you an advantage over other players?

“Since I was in the third grade, I have had a private English teacher. Little by little she saw that I was able to pick up the English language. From here I started coming to private lessons with her and helping her students. The fact that I teach English gives me an advantage over other actors, also because it can To give me an opening for auditions for series and films abroad and in addition, if I participate in a series with a foreign language I will be able to speak fluently.”

Have you already started auditioning for overseas projects?

“The truth is that I haven’t auditioned for such projects yet, but of course I aspire to it.”

How active are your parents in your career and accompanying you?

“First of all, both of my parents are involved in a very significant way, but if my mother hadn’t pushed me into this, I wouldn’t be in this industry at all. My mother supports me 24/7 and is also responsible for my Instagram page, so I have all the help in the world.” .

© Courtesy of Educational Here

Is there a series you’ve seen that you most wanted to play a role in?

“Yes! A very interesting series that I want to be a part of, I also recently finished watching it and it’s ‘Caramel!’ This is a series that really speaks to me, because it has a lot of tension and a lot of mysteries. In general, a talking cat is a magical thing, so that’s what especially connects me to this concept.”

What are your career aspirations?

“To act with well-known actors, to participate in big films that will be shown in the cinema and maybe even to reach Hollywood in a few years.”

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