Froggy – Magazine – Why does our throat hurt and how can the phenomenon be treated?

by time news

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In this article you will learn why the sore throat occurs, what are its symptoms and how it can be treated.

Why does our throat hurt?

As we mentioned earlier, a sore throat may appear due to several reasons and even appear in different places in the throat. In most cases this pain is caused by viral factors, i.e. due to viruses. Viral diseases that may be accompanied by a sore throat can be the flu, the kissing disease, tonsillitis and even in some cases chicken pox. In some cases, the cause of a sore throat is bacteria, which may cause a sore throat or whooping cough. Other factors that may cause the appearance of the phenomenon are allergies, chemical stimuli or smoking.

The pain itself may appear in different configurations. Sometimes the sensation will be a burning or burning sensation and sometimes there will actually be a sensation of pointy and sharp pain. In some cases the pain will intensify when swallowing or while talking. If the pain is a symptom of another disease such as the flu, it will also be accompanied by other symptoms such as a cold, cough, fever, muscle pain and more.

In most cases, the sore throat will not last more than ten days from its onset, but in cases where the pain at its peak lasts for more than a few days, it is recommended to consult a doctor for further medical treatment.

What is the treatment for sore throat?

When treating a sore throat, first the cause must be diagnosed, to ensure correct and effective treatment. For example, if the cause of the pain is bacterial, it will be possible to treat it by taking antibiotics. In the case where the cause is viral, taking antibiotics will not help at all and may even be harmful. When taking antibiotics it is very important to be careful about taking probiotics to ensure maintaining the balance of the good bacteria in the body.

In cases where the cause of the pain is viral, most of the time the treatment will be to relieve the symptoms only, along with strict rest. You can use medications that help reduce pain, including lozenges designed to soothe sore throats. For symptoms such as fever, cough or cold, you can resort to taking other medicines, according to a doctor’s order of course and as needed.

In cases where the sore throat is due to an allergy, it is important to identify the cause of the allergy and avoid it. You can also use medications that help relieve allergy symptoms.

There are also grandmother’s remedies for a sore throat that can be used. One of the options is to consume an extract of the echinacea plant. This plant is known for its ability to help strengthen the immune system and help the body fight the infection that causes the sore throat. The extract of the plant can be consumed through tea infusion or through tablets.

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Another option for grandmother’s medicine is the consumption of honey. Honey is well known for its antibacterial properties, so it is an excellent solution for sore throats caused by bacterial infection. Also, the honey provides a protective coating to the throat, which soothes the feeling of pain.

Another grandmother’s remedy that is not necessarily pleasant to consume, but is extremely powerful, is to chew raw garlic. Garlic also has wonderful antibacterial properties and can also soothe a sore throat. If you find yourself having trouble chewing the garlic as it is, you can prepare a mixture of honey, garlic and onion, which together can help relieve the pain.

There is also the option of gargling different compounds that can soothe the feeling of pain such as a mixture of water and salt or a mixture of lukewarm water and apple cider vinegar.

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