Froggy – Music – Lial Yeshaya in a debut interview: “I released a song about the ex and he loved it”

by time news

Meet the promising singer Lial Yeshaya, a graduate of the “Rimon” music school. Just recently she released a single and a clip called “Mistakes” on the way to her debut album. We caught her for a special interview in which she told us about her decision to become a singer and also about a very well-known actor who connected her with the producer with whom she released the single.

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“From a young age I realized that I was destined for the world of music,” says Lial. “I participated in musical ensembles from the age of five and also initiated performances myself. I asked the teachers and principals to sing at school ceremonies and also initiated performances by the choir I was in. Several years have passed since then and I have also performed in public places, such as community centers.”

What are the first steps you took to achieve your goal?

“My first step was when I took voice development lessons, I also started performing in bars that hold an open stage night and I made sure to do this at least twice a week in order to rub off. Over time I thought about how I was taking my dream a few steps further, so I went to my artistic director, Tamir Hitman, who started To help me develop in the networks, he came with me to open concerts, to recordings and in general to help me start my career.”

© Yanai Mordi

What experience did you take with you from studying music at Ramon?

“In one of the classes, the teacher who taught me gave a task that asked her to choose singers and imitate them, from their clothing to their tone. I imitated Celine Dion and when I saw that I could sing in her tone, my walls were broken and I gained a lot of confidence. The task is a turning point for me, because before I was afraid of faking In a performance in front of an audience and since then I go on stage with a smile and much more liberated.”

What is the story behind the first single?

“I released the song with the producer Tal Furer and the one who connected me to him is the actor Aki Avni, who is also a good friend of my parents. ‘Mistakes’ was inspired by my ex, from whom I broke up after three years of marriage. I decided to make lemonade out of lemons. I received positive feedback on the single, For example, from girls who sent me on Instagram singing it in the car, from girls who put it on during practice and my ex himself also liked the song and was happy for me.”

Tell us a little bit about the album

“I’m about to release a romantic pop album of singles that I created together with Tslili Klipi, Machloof and Shay Pinto. All the songs are love songs that I wrote during periods when I got out of long relationships, but we gave each song its own world. It’s a fun album and I think a lot of girls will identify with the songs I wrote in an open way, because they talk about all kinds of situations that are going on in their lives and that way they won’t actually feel alone.”

And how does it feel to work with these creators?

“Amazing! I learned a lot from them in everything and they really made me feel at home. I was honored to collaborate with them, because after all, they are very professional people in the field and it was a significant learning for me.”

Who is your inspiration in the world of music?

“Demi Lovato”, Lial replies and elaborates – “I really relate to her songs, to the music she creates and in my eyes she is a very phenomenal singer and an amazing performer”.

Which of the singers in Israel would you like to perform a duet with?

“I would be happy to do a duet with Nega Erez and also with Tamir Greenberg. Each of them gives an amazing show and also because I love that they both do everything in a big way and work with lots of people, whether they are Tamir’s backing singers or Nega’s. I myself am a people person and want to have as many partners as possible in the process I go through as a singer.”

As the daughter of businessman Moshe Yeshaya, how is he involved in your career?

“First of all, my parents are super supportive of me and see how hard I work. I follow the approach of my father who taught me not to be afraid of anything, educated me to act with faith and that we are meant to fulfill our dreams. I also apply tools from the business world such as financial management in the field, planning For every song I release and dealing with industry officials. Not everyone has the courage to approach them like I do, and I don’t mind, especially if it can help me move forward.”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

“With God’s help, on big stages like Yarkon Park. The main thing is that my music be distributed in all possible places, that it touch a lot of people who will come to see me perform, that as many of my albums as possible come out and from here the sky is the limit.”

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