From 2030, 20% of the gas consumed in France will be renewable, estimates the gas industry

by time news

Twice as much biogas in France in seven years? This is the objective of the gas industry, the latter announced on Thursday. “From 2030, the sector is aiming for 20% renewable and low-carbon gas in our national consumption,” said the France Gaz union (former French gas association) in a press release. The French gas sector wants to see this objective included in the future energy roadmap for 2028, which the government must present at best from June.

Such an objective would make it possible to compensate for the share of Russian gas (17%) which was imported by gas pipelines before the start of the war in Ukraine and to give a renewable and local character to part of the gas consumed in France instead of importing it. and deplete underground resources.

The gas workers’ union had so far set itself a target of 10% renewable gas production by 2030. “Today, we are convinced, we the gas industry, the agricultural world and the waste world this production, that we will collectively achieve this objective well before 2030”, indicated Jean-Marc Leroy, President of France Gaz.

Anaerobic digestion and pyrogasification

From 2021 to 2022, the amount of biogas injected into the pipes has more than doubled, from 4.3 TWh to 10 TWh. The sector is aiming for a production target of 25 TWh of renewable gas in 2025, and 80 TWh in 2030. Average gas consumption in France was 474 TWh in 2021, and according to the AFG should continue to decrease 2030 deadline below 400 TWh.

Biogas is produced from organic waste from agriculture, sludge from sewage treatment plants or even household bio-waste, the collection of which is however still in its infancy in France. More than 500 methanizers injecting gas into the network are now connected in the territory.

“Most of it will come from methanisation, up to 50 TWh, of which 80% (about 40 TWh) from agricultural methanisation. These agricultural methanizers accept organic food waste without any problem, but this is not the main source. LNG carriers use intermediate crops for energy purposes (CIVES)”, used between two main crop rotations, “residues from agriculture and livestock”, explains Jean-Marc Leroy.

“Another part (10 TWh) of the gas produced will come from waste with new technologies”, currently emerging, such as pyrogasification, which consists of heating waste to more than 1,000 degrees in the presence of a small quantity of oxygen.

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