From carnival to fasting – Ash Wednesday in Rheinhessen

by time news

With the end of Carnival, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday with church services and fasting activities. Politicians also use the end of Carnival for a traditional exchange of blows.

On Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent or penitential period, an ash cross is traditionally drawn on the forehead of Catholic believers. For the ashes, the palm branches from last year’s Palm Sunday are burned and blessed, according to the diocese of Mainz. The ash cross is intended to remind people of their transience.

Ash Wednesday services in Rheinhessen

In many Catholic communities in the Rheinhessen-Nahe region there are penitential services at the beginning of Lent in which the ash cross is drawn on the forehead – for example in the Mainz and Worms cathedrals, in the Dominican monastery of St. Paul in Worms and in the churches of Gau- Algesheim or Oppenheim. The St. Alban Church in Mainz’s upper town is open from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. – there you can take the ash cross with you. People can deal with the topic of fasting at various stations. For example, there is a punching bag hanging in the church for children: Lent should be seen as a training camp for Easter, says community representative Helena Gilbert. A service takes place in the Jakobsberg Monastery in Ockenheim, which also refers to today’s Valentine’s Day. In addition to the ash cross, there is also a blessing for lovers.

Climate fasting with climate protection app

At the same time, some fasting campaigns are starting in the region today. The Protestant deanery in Mainz invites you to so-called “climate fasting”. The aim is to make your own lifestyle more climate-friendly. The Evangelical Church in Wiesbaden also offers the climate protection app from a Wiesbaden start-up company for “climate fasting”. Participants can compete with each other in a playful way and collect points for climate-friendly behavior, for example by disposing of other people’s rubbish or by creating a menu with seasonal ingredients.

The diocese of Mainz is promoting a campaign by the Catholic relief organization Misereor during Lent. Under the title “Do I care about the bean”, aid projects in coffee and vegetable production in Colombia are supported – combined with the call for sustainable consumption and conscious nutrition.

Political Ash Wednesday with a view to the local elections

Not only the church, but also politics has its traditions on Ash Wednesday. Some humorous, some biting speeches – as a rule, no party is spared on political Ash Wednesday. Both state and federal politicians come to Mainz.

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At the FDP, European candidate Sandra Weeser and Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing will give speeches at the Favorite Park Hotel in Mainz. The Left hosted its federal party leader Janine Wissler at the Mainz Kulturbäckerei. The CDU has invited state parliament member Gordon Schnieder to “Halle 45” in Mainz-Mombach. There will also be the traditional herring dinner for the around 100 registered members.

The SPD meets for Political Ash Wednesday in the “Schon Schön” cultural club. The Greens are celebrating the end of Carnival with Lars Reichow and want to talk to their candidates for the upcoming local elections over spritzers and snacks.


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