From Energía de Misiones they affirm that there are around 30 thousand missionaries who did not register for RASE 2024-07-25 01:55:39

by time news

Pamela Ordoñez on Radio Santa Maria de las Misiones

Today there is no clear distinction at the national level as to what will happen with new connections.”, said Pamela Ordóñez, responsible for Energy Coordination and Development in Misiones.

Regarding access and registration to the Energy Subsidy Access Registry (RASE), Ordóñez explained that many people currently enjoy the subsidy, but are not necessarily registered in the system: “It is important to know if one is in that single registry, because as of August 3, those who are not registered will begin to pay the full rate”If in doubt, he recommended consulting the Nation’s subsidy page where you can register, modify or delete the application.

Regarding who can access the subsidies in their homes, Ordóñez stated that everyone can register, as long as it is for a residential residence: “If they are not sure of the data that appears in the RASE, they can retrieve and consult the applications with the registration number, ID and email address.”

On the other hand, Pamela Ordóñez said that they deployed operations in the province in collaboration with the Governor’s Office and municipalities to facilitate access to subsidies. “We have made a large part of our team available to resolve doubts. The process is simple and can be done from a cell phone, but if you have questions, you can contact our operations.”

Also, regarding special cases and common doubts, As for those tenants whose meter is not in their name, he said: “They fill out the personal and socioeconomic data, and in the registration part they must indicate in whose name the bill arrives.” Likewise, in cases of moving, the continuity of the subsidy still does not have a clear definition at the national level, but it is expected that it will be reported and can be resolved through the same page.

In the same vein, he referred to the impact of recent registrations: “If they recently signed up, the database may not reflect that update on their next bill.”

Regarding pending registrations, Pamela Ordóñez estimated that there are still between 20,000 and 30,000 missionaries who have not registered with the RASE. “Our commitment is to go out and find them so that they are not left with any doubts. We ask them to verify and modify their application so that the financial and income situation of the household is correctly declared.”

Finally, on the process and response times He clarified that registration is received by email and can take several weeks: “Previously, a provisional category was granted, but now you have to wait for confirmation by email.”


2024-07-25 01:55:39

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