From entertainment to ecology, 4 new channels for Sky-

by time news

TV series on the one hand, documentaries on the other. The four new Sky channels move on these two worlds, available to all subscribers from 1 July: Sky Serie, Sky Investigation, Sky Documentaries and Sky Nature promise at least one first viewing per day and 3,000 hours of programming per month, including international titles, Italian proposals and original productions.

An offer, also available on demand and streaming on Now, “The result of two and a half years of work to become the home of the best entertainment in Italy” underlined Antonella d’Errico, executive vice president of programming of Sky Italia: Sky Serie will have a light profile and suitable for everyone, Sky Investigation will will focus on the best of the crime genre, Sky Documentaries will tell contemporary stories and investigations, Sky Nature will pay attention to sustainability.

Among the highlights, Sky Serie debuts with “The flight attendant”, dark comedy produced and starring Kaley Cuoco (Penny of “Big Bang Theory”), but already has some Italian titles in the pipeline: in September it will arrive “Give me back my wife”, directed by Alessandro Genovesi with Fabio De Luigi and then “Everyone’s fine at home”, series signed by Gabriele Muccino.

Sky Documentaries comes on with the new season de “The Witness” by Pif which will start from the story of Giulio Regeni. Then it will come in autumn “Sarah – The Girl from Avetrana”, four episodes to retrace the Scazzi murder, and beyond that too a feature film dedicated to Sic, Marco Simoncelli, in the 10 years of his death.

On the front Sky Nature, the BBC docu-series starts on 4 July “Greta Thunberg, a year to change the world” who follows the Swedish activist, but later there will also be the singer-songwriter Francesca Michielin to interview experts and scientists to understand the concrete actions to safeguard the planet.

The sector Sky Investigations ranks international titles such as “Coroner”, “Bulletproof” or “The Equalizer”: procedural drama that do not interfere with the soul of Sky Atlantic, “home”, among others, of “Gomorra”, which, d’Errico anticipated, will return for the fifth final season in November.

June 24, 2021 (change June 24, 2021 | 20:19)


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