From Fabrizio Corona to Nina Zilli, here are the paparazzi celebrities out and about

by time news

January 27, 2024 10:43 am

Shopping and walks in company through the streets of central Rome and Milan


Walks in sweet company

In Milan Vincenzo Salemme he was paparazzi with his partner Albina Fabithe costume designer with whom he has been a couple since his marriage ended Valeria Esposito. The two wander around the shop windows and do not escape the paparazzi who intercept them. In the Lombardy capital, late in the evening, they were also surprised Remo Girone with his wife Victoria Zinny during a walk downtown. The two actors have been married since 1982 and the smiles they show off in front of the paparazzi show that they are always very happy.

Some alone, some with friends

Ornella Vanoni he treats himself to a shopping trip in via Montenapoleone with his little dog. When the singer meets a friend of hers, she continues the walk, taking her arm. It’s also there in the fashion quadrilateral Fabrizio Corona who walks in the company of a collaborator, and then drives off alone in his supercar. The singer in Rome Jessica Morlacchi she enjoys a bit of blissful solitude: all bundled up and wearing a wide-brimmed hat she is surprised by the paparazzi and she poses to be photographed.


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