From football to politics, Guinea haunted by the demon of the crisis! (Edito-Mognouma) – Information in Guinea and around the world

by time news

2023-05-08 12:16:35

Dfire everywhere! Rather crises everywhere in Guinea, at the risk of becoming genetic. It stems from a very great crisis of confidence. We seem to be hitting rock bottom everywhere.

Beyond the adversity, there looms a repugnant enmity. From football to politics, it is, without doubt, the same reality. No one trusts the other. On both sides, all haunted by the demon of the crisis.

The Way of the Cross continues in football. In the middle of last week, the actors of this king sport, rather the majority of the statutory members, gathered within the group of 47, rejected the choice of FIFA which renewed the members of CONOR for another term of seven months.

If we can continue to question the merits of this other renewal after the failure of the outgoing team, to succeed in returning to normal order, this, in accordance with the mission assigned to it, however, the reaction of these actors, which resembles a mistrust vis-à-vis the FIFA institution, is symptomatic of the crisis of confidence simmering in the country.

The method is not new, but in football, faced with the same players, it always comes up against a crippling obstacle to its success.

It is precisely to wonder, for this umpteenth time, what means have the protesters of Mariame Sy and her colleagues at their disposal, to achieve their end, when we know, we learned, that the decision of FIFA, is unilateral and therefore binding on all.

It is then welcome to the muddle that has characterized Guinean football in recent years, with the war of nerves and emotions.

In politics, the moment says everything about the intention. The actors who have pretended to trust each other, within the framework of yet another negotiation, decide to confront each other in the end.

For now, and this is plausible, but not improbable, there is no alternative to the balance of power. This other outstretched hand from the Prime Minister, will have no deterrent effect because of the crisis of confidence that is genetic in the country

“This stems from the attitude of the authorities, for a long time, who do not respect their commitments, or drive their interlocutors crazy”, analyzed a political scientist.

True or false, difficult to deduce anything from the ongoing negotiations. It is obvious that, in the name of a hypothetical interference, the government does not seem to want to yield on the points relating to the legal files.

And yet, what is possible when there is no alternative to stability and social tranquility, without seriously violating the standards of judicial independence, is to ask the prosecutor who is prosecuting and whose decisions are dictated by the executive, to abstain from any appeal in favor of the defendants under judicial supervision and in prison, to whom freedom has been granted.

In the meantime, let us know reason kept, the demonstrations announced by the opposition to the military power, will be decisive. The challenge for the organizers in order to have the lead in future negotiations is to succeed in moving violence from its nest which is the axis, for the highway and elsewhere. Which is, in the current context, difficult, but not impossible.

In Djoma Media!

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