“From Glamour to Family: The Remarkable Journey of Luana Ravegnini in Italian Television”[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEap5RNG8z8[/embed]

by time news

A beautiful woman. A sought-after showgirl. Corrado, for example, chose Luana Ravegnini for Il pranzo è servito in 1988, then she was taken for Ok il prezzo è giusto and the show Lascia o Raddoppia. A successful career also thanks to quiz shows, followed by a film with Christian De Sica and Neri Parenti. A success that ended abruptly. At least until a few years ago. Until seeing her again in 2021 hosting Check-up on Sunday mornings on Raidue, which will restart with her on the next September 15.

Life in London

An absence from television by choice.

Luana tells Corriere della Sera: “I lived in London for ten years, I followed my husband who received an enticing job offer there. I prioritized family; I wanted my daughter to grow up with her father by her side. It was a sacrifice: I lived in a wonderful city that, despite its wonders, couldn’t fill the void left by the absence of my friends, my parents, and Rome, of which I missed everything. But I have no regrets…”.

The beginnings

How did television come into her life? Almost suddenly. Without seeking it. “An aunt, a former model, suggested that I take a course in poise, just to learn to do my makeup and walk. I did it for myself, not thinking anything could come of it. One day, however, agents came looking for models and chose me too. They offered me my first runway shows, the first commercials, and I started auditioning. How many have I done…”. Then in her life came Renzo Arbore. And everything changed for the better. Luana began as a co-host on Indietro tutta. “I was 18; it was like living in a dream: I was a simple girl stepping into a world of glitter, sequins, and big personalities. People like Rossano Brazzi and Massimo Troisi passed by…”.

Love with Claudio Lippi

Then hosting opportunities came thanks to Pippo Baudo: “He called me to host the summer version of Luna Park. At the audition, he asked me to pretend to host a quiz with two actors, and I improvised. (…) Later, I did more important things, but being chosen by Baudo, who was then the king of TV, is the emotion I still remember”. From one host to another, but love only blossomed with Claudio Lippi. “I had been his co-host on Il pranzo è servito, and there had never been anything between us, but when he went to Tmc, he called me. I went to work with him in Milan, and that was when love bloomed. We were together for seven years.” Then it ended for a reason. “We had different life expectations; he already had a family, two daughters, and I had no children, and he decided it would be better for me if we separated. But the newspapers published the opposite, saying I had left him and that I had made him suffer. I never wanted to correct it; I thought: let them think what they want”.

The husband 26 years older

Then came many suitors, many men who wanted her, but only one succeeded. Her husband, Renato Della Valle. Corriere della Sera recalls who we are talking about: former offshore champion, former partner of Silvio Berlusconi in Telepiù, real estate developer, 26 years older than her. “He had read my interviews and thought I must be a nice person. I had opened a restaurant to have a stable point, because in showbiz work comes today but might not come tomorrow.” And so “Renato, when he found out I was single, started showing up every night. He pursued me incredibly; I held out for six months, but even an elephant would have fallen.”

What about the age difference? Luana reiterates to Corsera that “I’ve always had older men, maybe because my dad got married very young, and I always missed that protective figure. We got married in 2008; I wanted it, I cared about it, but he—already separated—was hesitant. We had a very intimate wedding; I don’t like extravagance. There were only my mom, his sister, my parents, and Adele who brought the rings.”


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