From his friend’s confession to the suspicion of those more involved: everything that is known about Joaquín’s crime

by time news

2023-07-04 10:58:00

After four days of an intense search in the Cordovan city of Laboulaye, this Sunday they found the lifeless body of Joaquín Sperani in an abandoned house. Although his best friend confessed that he killed him, the circumstances of the event are still unclear. There are even suspicions that he did not act alone.

What is clear is that they killed him in cold blood. According to the result of the autopsy that was known in the last few hours, the cause of death was head trauma after receiving more than 10 blows to the head.

Also read: “I died together with my son”: the heartbreaking testimony of Joaquín’s mother, the boy murdered in Córdoba

Leandro, the minor who claimed to be the perpetrator, was housed in a juvenile detention center, where he will undergo diagnostic, psychosocial, and environmental studies. Due to his age, 13 years old -one year younger than the victim-, he is unimputable.

According to the Minority Criminal Regime, the age of imputability is from 16. This means that minors of that age cannot be tried nor can they be sentenced for committing a crime, beyond the fact that they have committed it. confessed, as in this case.

Joaquín Sperani was found dead this Sunday. (Photo: Facebook / Mackenna Info)

Now, the doubts are focused on the dynamics of the event and that is what the Justice will try to determine as soon as possible. Did the boy act alone or are other people involved in this gruesome murder?

For Mariela Flores, Joaquín’s mother, there is no doubt that more people participated in the massacre and she made it known on Monday night, minutes before a mobilization to demand justice for her son began.

Also read: Córdoba: between tears and cries of pain, friends and family said goodbye to the remains of Joaquín

“I have a feeling that there is something else, I have a feeling that it was not just Leandro, there must be more involved. I want it to be investigated, ”she said in dialogue with the media, while she was accompanied by her husband and Joaquín’s father, Martín Sperani.

Security cameras, keys to catching the suspect

From the beginning of the search, all eyes were on Leandro and this is because the security camera images provided by the neighbors captured him and Joaquín minutes before his disappearance.

On the right side of the photo, with a black jacket and a backpack, you can see the victim; while on the left side, with a blue diver, would be the one who would have carried out the brutal crime.

The last photo of Joaquín -right- with who would be the alleged murderer -left-. (Photo: TN)

In addition, Leandro had Joaquín’s cell phone and at no time could he explain what he was doing with that phone. He even gave false information in the middle of the investigation: he said that his friend was missing because he had gone with another family.

According to what people from the suspect’s environment told TN, “Leandro does not speak, he does not say anything and he seems mute.” In turn, they added: “They ask him things and he remains silent, as if in shock. They say that he is threatened by others and that is why he gave false information and lied.

The disappearance of Joaquin Sperani

The teenager began to be searched for on the afternoon of Thursday the 29th, when he conspicuously did not attend school. The last time they had seen him was around 3:00 p.m. and he had his uniform on.

The preceptor of his course confirmed that he was not in the classroom when he took attendance and something that added more confusion was that his bicycle was in the school yard. However, his companions could not give certainty as to whether they had seen him that day.

Also read: The first autopsy data on Joaquín Sperani were known: he received more than 10 blows to the head

The hours passed and Joaquín still did not appear, at the same time that he did not communicate with his mother either. In the midst of despair, the woman filed a complaint when it was already Thursday night.

On Saturday, July 1, relatives and friends of the teenager called for a march and the attendees walked through the different streets of the city. They never imagined the outcome that this story would have a short time later, when they found him dead in an abandoned house.

The abandoned house where they found Joaquin’s body. (Photo: Facebook / News on Face)

The dramatic story of the man who found Joaquín’s body

Juan López, one of the men who found the body, told TN how the chilling moment was. “Last night – on Saturday – it all started, we saw that everything was cold and everything was wrong,” he described.

López, who is a friend of Joaquín’s mother, said that on Sunday morning, the boy’s relatives and relatives went to the police station to see if they got any kind of response.

Shortly before noon, the officers authorized them to carry out searches in the area themselves. “They told us that any abnormality should call them, and we started walking,” he said.

Read also: In poor condition and meters from the school: this is the abandoned house where Joaquín was found dead

“The idea was to do about seven or eight blocks and we found it 100 meters away, where supposedly they had already raked. We went alone, the police stayed in the patrol car, ”he added indignantly.

In total there were four people who entered the abandoned house and found the terrifying scene: “He had a blow to the head, around him there was rubble and rubble.”

The investigation into the case is only in its early stages and much remains to be determined. The suspect’s family has not yet ruled on the matter and it is expected that they will soon to find out exactly what happened.

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