From holiday sickness to Covid, more pediatric wards are needed in summer resorts

by time news

‘Holiday sickness’, or disturbances of adaptation to a new place frequent in children. But also Covid, post Covid and all the difficulties of the pandemic that have made our children and young people more fragile. For all this, the Italian vacation spots, which will be more popular this year, should strengthen pediatric care. In particular, the places with the ‘Green Flag 2022’, a banner that indicates the beaches suitable for children and chosen by pediatricians, should strengthen the pediatric wards. This is the appeal launched by Italo Farnetani, professor of paediatrics at the University of Malta and creator of the Green Flags, on the occasion of a press conference on the initiative held today in San Benedetto del Tronto.

Farnetani recommended that pediatric services be strengthened until 10 September, “considering the significant influx of children foreseeable until the reopening of schools. This year, in particular, specialist assistance will be even more important in order to manage problems related to Covid- 19 “. The request is also based on the fact that “a greater influx of children is expected in Italian towns because families tend to go abroad less, but above all, careful management of any problems related to Covid rather than post Covid will be necessary. Children and adolescents still suffer from the stress of the more isolated months spent and with the emotional tension of the family. There is a risk that the adaptation to the holiday resort, especially for the little ones, can strengthen those small ailments that I have defined ‘holiday sickness’ and that present in the first 5 days of arrival in a new place and are determined precisely by the change of environment “. adds Farnatani.

“These symptoms – ranging from decreased appetite to sleep disturbances, sometimes headaches and abdominal pain – can also be intense and require the intervention of a pediatrician. In addition, normal infections will have to be managed, especially those determined by the parainfluenza virus type 3, which is more widespread in the summer period, and which causes respiratory symptoms such as cough, low-grade fever and cold. In this case it is important that an exact diagnosis is made, distinguishing it from Covid. For this reason it is important that in places more crowded with children there is a pediatrician. A child, in fact, is not a small adult, but a growing being with its own problems, symptoms and functionality of the organism “.

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