From January 1st, for cash, the ceiling drops to one thousand euros

by time news – “From January 1st iThe cash ceiling drops to € 1,000. Now there will be those who say that the elderly will no longer be able to go shopping at the market (with only 1,000 euros?). It will not be the decisive move to reduce tax evasion, but it is a positive sign “, writes Carlo Cottarelli, director of the Observatory on public accounts of the Catholic University.

From January 1st, the roof will drop from the current 2,000 to 1,000 euros. The new stakes for cash payments have been provided for by the tax decree linked to the 2020 Budget law (Law Decree 124/2019, approved by the Conte-bis government). The provision established a 2-stage de’calage. The first, taken on 1 July 2020 and running until 31 December 2021, recorded a reduction in the threshold from 3,000 to 2,000 euros. The second, which will start with the arrival of 2022, will determine a further lowering of the roof, from 2,000 to 1,000 euros. With the new year, therefore, we will return to the level set in 2011 by the Save Italy decree and then changed from 2016.

It will be the ninth change in 20 years, the fifth in the last 10. Those who do not respect the rule may incur in a pecuniary administrative sanction from 3 thousand to 50 thousand euros. The amount is quintupled in the event of violations that refer to more than 250 thousand euros.


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