From Navratri to Anbe Vaa: Grandfather Lists 470 Movies He Saw in Theatres

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CHENNAI: An ardent movie buff has handwritten in a notebook the details of the movies he has seen in theaters including date, movie title, box office, language, time and fee. It was shared on social media by the grandson of the Paley cinema fan. Now it has gained widespread attention among netizens.

Millions of records are registered on the internet every day. Only a few of them gain widespread audience attention and become hits. This record is one of those hit records.

A Twitter user known as Akshay tweeted this along with the pictures. “Long ago my grandfather kept a notebook to record the movies he watched. It can also be called his own Letterboxd created by him. It surprised me to learn that he had seen Hitchcock and James Bond films in theatres.

He has also seen the movie Anbe Vaa. In addition, the film is an adaptation of the English film ‘Come September’. He has also seen that in the theater,” he said in the recording. That’s what has gone viral now. Many people are sharing their views on this. It seems that the details of the films released from 1958 to 1974 are mentioned in it.

470. Also he had watched the first James Bond movie in theatres.

— A K (@iamakshy_06) February 25, 2023

This is insane. Apparently, Anbe Vaa (1966) was inspired from Come September (1961) and my grandfather had watched both the films in theatres.

— A K (@iamakshy_06) February 25, 2023

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