From Neoliberalism to Bidenomics: The Evolution of Democratic Economic Policy

by time news

Title: Bidenomics: A Shift in Democratic Economic Policy


Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama both made promises to revive the American economy for everyday citizens during their terms. While they implemented laws that benefited millions of people, they were unable to change the fundamental trajectory of the economy, leading to rising income and wealth inequality. In response to these challenges, a group of policy experts aligned with the Democratic Party have recognized the flaws in their approach and are pushing for a new economic agenda. This shift has been central to President Biden’s economic policies, known as Bidenomics, which will play a crucial role in his re-election campaign.

Reassessing Neoliberalism

Many policy experts within the Democratic Party have become skeptical of the benefits of free trade and the laissez-faire economic agenda known as neoliberalism. They argue that the government should play a more active role in areas such as infrastructure development, technological advancement, and job creation. These experts believe that the party had not gone far enough in reversing the inequality and economic revolution initiated by Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.

President Biden’s Economic Agenda

President Biden’s economic agenda reflects this shift in Democratic economic policy. Since taking office, he has signed laws aimed at investing billions of dollars in semiconductor factories, roads, bridges, and clean energy. Additionally, he has taken steps to tackle monopolies and has shown support for workers’ rights to join unions. Biden’s emphasis on addressing working-class families’ concerns signals a departure from the neoliberal agenda he previously supported.

The Influence of Democratic Wonks

The book “The Last Politician” by Franklin Foer sheds light on this ideological shift within the Democratic Party. Foer highlights the role of Jake Sullivan, a policy expert involved in designing Biden’s domestic agenda. Sullivan’s reflection on Americans’ frustration, triggered by the financial crisis and Donald Trump’s victory, led him to realize that previous policies did not adequately address the underlying causes. This reflection resonated with other young Democratic wonks, leading to alliances with more progressive members of the party and contributing to the development of Bidenomics.

The Economic Policy Debate

As the 2024 presidential campaign approaches, the short-term performance of the economy will be a crucial talking point for both Biden and his Republican opponents. Republicans may point to inflation and the impact of Biden’s pandemic relief spending, while Biden’s campaign may emphasize job growth and rising wages across income brackets. However, it is essential not to lose sight of the bigger picture: the failure of the post-1980 economy to deliver the broad-based benefits promised by Reagan and his allies.


Bidenomics represents a response to the unfulfilled promises of the post-1980 economy. The policy debate has shifted, with a growing recognition among policy experts that a different approach is needed to address economic inequality and stagnation. President Biden’s economic agenda reflects this shift, as he seeks to prioritize the concerns of everyday Americans over the interests of corporations and elites. Whether his policies will bring about the desired transformation remains to be seen, but the effort to change the trajectory of the American economy is underway.

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