2024-08-31 10:16:36
He broke windows, shot at trees, walls, his neighbor’s house, and attacked them. He threw arrows everywhere before hitting them. Damien Letulle may be the only archer to shoot from… his living room, which needs some repairs. THE set It belongs to the house and it has some equipment that, in fact, are not tools: a vintage camera aimed at the targets, hung 40 m from the house, at the bottom of the garden.
The images are broadcast live on a flat screen in the large room in front of which a 51-year-old athlete came to shoot. Damien Letulle places his bicycle in the open door frame, then arms, aims and shoots up to 200 arrows per day, protected from wind and sun. In the winter, he trained in heat, glued to burning logs in the stove and installed a DIY loophole in the French window to prevent heat loss.
#Olympism #Paralympism #long #road #paraarcher #Damien #Letulle #reinvent