From Palenque, Rutilio Escandón invites tourism to enjoy the natural beauties of Chiapas

by time news

•​The governor reported that federal, state and municipal authorities are making common cause to care for the population and visitors this holiday season
•​He asked service providers to treat tourism with kindness, respect and solidarity; as well as take preventive measures against COVID-19
• Regarding the coronavirus, he said that Chiapas is doing well; a year without deaths, in the last 24 hours only one case of contagion, and 100% hospital vacancy remains
•​Reiterated the call to the population to avoid burning grasslands and forest fires

During the State Coordination Table for the Construction of Peace and Security, held in Palenque, Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas reported that federal, state and municipal authorities make common cause through permanent operations with the aim of caring for the population , as well as the visitors who will travel the roads and go to the different tourist attractions of Chiapas in this Easter holiday season.

“The Mexican Army, the Navy, the National Guard, the federal, state and municipal security, civil protection and health corporations, as well as the different government agencies, work together to guarantee peace, tranquility and the security of the tourists. Welcome to Chiapas, a peaceful state, where you can enjoy culture and natural beauties”, he pointed out.

He asked the tourist service providers, both transport, hotels and restaurants, among others, to treat visitors with kindness, respect and solidarity; as well as taking preventive measures against COVID-19, especially the use of face masks in places with reduced spaces. “Let’s show that we are good hosts, let’s take care of our own health and of those who come to Chiapas to spend their family vacations.”

Regarding COVID-19, the president explained that Chiapas is doing well in the fight and control of the coronavirus, proof of this is that more than a year has passed without any deaths from this condition; In the last 24 hours, only one case of contagion was registered, and 100 percent hospital vacancy is maintained in the Respiratory Care Clinics.

Within this framework, the governor announced that the high temperatures, the drought and the strong gusts of wind continue, for which he reiterated the urge to avoid the burning of pastures and forest fires, because in addition to committing a serious crime, endangers the integrity of the population.

He emphasized the importance of becoming aware and not using fire in agricultural activities, because these incidents affect the natural resources of Chiapas such as the jungle, forests, biodiversity, flora and fauna; they pollute the air and water; they put at risk the patrimony, the health, the life of the people, and they impoverish the land.

“We are in a very hot and windy season, so the affectionate and respectful call is to avoid fires because the presence of grass and dry leaves that become natural fuel can cause the fire to get out of control and cause serious accidents. Let’s put an end to these bad practices that do not bring anything good for living beings and do a lot of damage to Mother Earth,” he said.

Finally, Escandón Cadenas invited the people of Chiapas to call 911 or approach the civil protection authorities, in case they require advice to carry out actions to clean up the plots, in order to comply with the protocols. preventive measures and avoid any emergency situation, while thanking the armed forces, authorities and community committees for helping the population and fighting the fires.

Attended: the technical secretary of the Coordination Table for the Construction of Peace and State Security, José Francisco Trujillo Ochoa; the representative of Comprehensive Development Programs in Chiapas, Deysi del Carmen Domínguez Damas; the representative of the General Secretariat of Government, Jorge Cruz Pineda; the commanders of the VII Military Region, Armando Montaño Ponce; from the 38th Military Zone, Rubén Darío Díaz Esparza; from the Fourth Non-Embedded Infantry Company, José Luis Bautista de la Cruz; the state coordinator of the National Guard, Víctor Fernández Mondragón.

The State Attorney General, Olaf Gómez Hernández; the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Gabriela Zepeda Soto; the Station Chief of the National Intelligence Center in Chiapas, Francisco Nava Cuajicalco; the head of the Representation Office of the National Migration Institute in Tabasco, Roberto González López; the representative of the Civil Protection Secretariat, Jorge de Jesús Figueroa Córdova; the president of the State Human Rights Commission, Juan José Zepeda Bermúdez; the president of the Judiciary, Guillermo Ramos Pérez.

Also, the mayors and the mayors of Palenque, Jorge Cabrera Gutiérrez; of Tumbala, Heidy Mayra Vazquez Bows; of Sabanilla, Jose Darwin Gonzalez Hair; of Water Jumping, Roman Husband of the Cross; of Tila, Limber Gregory Gutierrez Gomez; of The Liberty, Porfirio Correa Lopez; of Catazaja, Maria Fernanda Dorantes Nunez; and of Yajalon, John Manuel Utrilla Constantine.

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