from Peppa Pig to Guadagnino, Putin against the West-

by time news
from Marco Imarisio

The youth law extended to the whole society: A struggle for civilization. At the index also the film Call me by your name by the Italian director. Even just naming non-traditional sexual relations is prohibited

From our correspondent

MOSCOW – The threat everywhere. It’s not just South Park and Peppa Pig cartoons. To the deputy Alexander Khinshtein of United Russia, former columnist for the newspaper Moskovskij Komsomolets, nothing escapes. I discovered that the film “Call me by your name”, by the Italian director Luca Guadagnino, is circulating among us, which shows the despicable union of two male bodies in the foreground. The circumstance aggravated by an unheard of fact. On VKontacte, the most popular social network in Russia, this unseemly work can count on over twenty groups of followers who discuss and appreciate its contents.

The crusade against the West

The Special Military Operation in Ukraine also means this. The further one goes, the more extreme the crusade against the collective West and the distancing from its corrupt values ​​becomes, words of Vladimir Putin. In the past week, as the world looked to the Kremlin, Kherson, the consequences of martial law and partial mobilization, the Duma continued to work on a regulatory text, approval scheduled for October 27, which extends to the entire Russian society. the ban even on naming non-traditional sexual relations and the propaganda of any relationship that does not strictly concern heterosexuality. To tell the truth, there has already been a law since 2013 that prohibits the dissemination among children and adolescents of information on gay, gender and LGBT culture, aimed at forming sexual approaches outside of tradition, of concepts such as the social equality of any different relationships, and it imposes information that arouses interest exclusively in the concept of traditional family. THE Violators face fines of up to 80 euros, tenfold in the case of public officials such as teachers. Legal persons, or publishing houses, up to about 16 thousand euros and the suspension of the activity for 90 days. Foreigners guilty of this propaganda can be expelled from Russia.

Total prohibition

In 2014, the European Court of Human Rights, on the other hand, ruled that these prohibitions violated the rights of citizens. But last March, as a consequence of the conflict in Ukraine, Russia left the Council of Europe after 26 years of participation. Hands free. In mid-July, a group of deputies presented a bill that extended the total prohibition of propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations (RSNT) and lifestyles that deny the values ​​of the traditional family to the entire population, also expressly citing the so-called child-free culture, or people who choose not to have children. The Special Military Operation is not only fought on battlefields, but also in people’s brains and souls. Today we are here to fight so that in Russia there are, to quote our president, parents # 1, # 2 and # 3 in place of mom and dad. That against the West is a struggle of civilization. Because Russia is the last outpost in the defense of traditional values ​​against sexual deviation as the norm. The alleged LGBT culture is a tool in the hybrid war against our country and we have the task of protecting our society.

Criminally responsible

After the greeting of Khinshtein, president of the Commission for information policies, hearings were held from 17 to 20 October to draft the new text of the law. Sergey Mironov, leader of the Russian Duma Just-For-Truth complained about article 13 of the Russian Constitution, which, mindful of the USSR, prevents the adoption of a state ideology. a serious mistake, in light of the danger we run. Principles must be established. Nor can we be satisfied with fines. Some intellectuals will not spare money to do their gay and LGBT propaganda. For this, I believe that criminal responsibility must be included. The president of the Chechen Academy of Sciences Giambulat Umarov passed on a message from Ramzan Kadyrov. The core of Satanism that we fight in Ukraine is sodomy, which must be considered as a mortal sin. Konstantin Malofeev, the oligarch of God who played an important part in financing the pro-Russian militias in the Donbass, addressed a heartfelt appeal to the parliamentarians. LGBT, and Gay Pride are the weapons of our enemy. The whole Duma must mobilize. This is where your trenches pass. If this law is not passed, “they” will continue to corrode us from within with their depravity. But the founder and owner of the ultra-patriotic channel Tsargrad he also made a proposal.

The word gay doesn’t have to exist

It is necessary to prohibit by law the use of terms such as gender or LGBT, which basically have a single meaning: perversion. Khinshtein was keen to reassure the Federation of Russian Publishers, which had sent him a letter asking how to behave towards some literary classics such as Fedor Dostoevsky’s The Demons (scenes interpretable as juvenile depravity), the short story Morphine by Mikhail Bulgakov ( drug propaganda), and Anna Karenina’s marital betrayal in Leo Tolstoy’s novel of the same name. None of these works, he said, is propaganda. Thumbs up instead for this year’s literary success, A summer with a pioneering handkerchief that talks about homosexual relations between two teenagers on a campsite. It will certainly be subject to our limitations, but this has nothing to do with literature. Finally, it was decided to present to the Duma a whole package of laws on the complete prohibition of the propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations, which will no longer be mentioned in any public context. The laws on information technology, mass media, information, advertising and state support for the Russian Federation’s film industry will therefore also be amended accordingly.

Future generations

The proposal was signed by 390 deputies out of 450. The deputy speaker of the Duma Piotr Tolstoy, descendants of the great writer, is eager to vote. a law that defends future generations from the propaganda of perversions. We have entered the decisive phase of the battle for our traditional family, moral and religious values, the outcome of which can only be victory. The future of Russia and our civilization is at stake.

October 22, 2022 (change October 22, 2022 | 21:13)

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