From “picturesque” to “surreal” the chaos of the seats in Palermo

by time news

Of what happened in Sicili “they will make a chapter of the picturesque”. The journalist and writer Pietrangelo Buttafuoco bitterly evaluates the defection, in the evening before the election of the mayor, of about 170 presidents seat, then partially returned yesterday morning when there were about fifty vacancies. “I’m sure – he tells Buttafuoco – that if what happened in Palermo had occurred in another city, in Novara, Vicenza, Lucca or Macerata for example, there would have been some political consequences series. In Sicily no, nothing will happen but not for the responsibility and fault of the Sicilians but for the chain of command. A fact of this kind happens in Palermo and they make it only a chapter of the picturesque. This is real anger. ”

“The truth is one: of Sicily nobody cares about it. It’s unbelievable but that’s the way it is. If we think about it – reflects Buttafuoco – in reality, geographically, there is a kind of parenthesis of everything that is Sicilian. And the result of all this can be seen precisely in the chain of command that should reach the Palermo administration from the Interior Ministry and gives the exact figure of what the situation is like. “In short, the chaos that occurred yesterday for the conquest of the Palazzo delle Aquile is on the one hand the product “indifference“and, on the other hand,” of the complicit will to impose a wall of silence on everything related to Sicily “.

“In Rome – continues Buttafuoco – we have wild boars, but the terrifying, cruel story of the gods dead waiting to be interred at cemetery of the Rolls it did not engage anyone except occasionally a few sparse shop windows that lit up. Let’s try to imagine if someone else had been responsible for the city: what would have come of it? Sicily is the only place where the highways are all wrecked, where all the Morandi bridges that collapsed thank God did not make the news because they had the foresight to collapse at night when there is no traffic. Sicily is a topic similar to that of school problems in national newspapers. Themes that make people yawn. We know that Sicily is there, which is important, it is central to all the mechanisms of contemporaneity, but nobody cares. “Just think, concludes Buttafuoco with” all due respect “, that the” showcase of tourism in Italy is the Adriatic Riviera and not Sicily which is the absolute place of beauty, hospitality and magnificence “.

And “shameful misdeed“which also reveals a”miserable situation“. Giovanni Puglisi, rector of the Kore University of Enna and rector emeritus of the Iulm University of Milan, does not mince words to comment on the chaos at the polls in Palermo with “My comment – affirms Puglisi in fact – is only one, it is a shameful thing not only for those who have committed this crime. It is nowhere in the world that more than one hundred presidents suddenly do not show up. I can understand that the disease stopped 5, or 10 or 20 presidents but not more than a hundred. Clearly it is not up to me the task, which will be the Prosecutor’s office, to make inferences about preordained actions or other, also because I fear that the situation is more pitiful. Probably, in fact, and I try to shoot blanks, the Palermo match has to do with it. What I consider equally shameful is that the preparation of such an event takes place in a singular way “.

“I was told – says Puglisi – that in Palermo, while the tellers are chosen with the normal procedure, the presidents are chosen from a list made up on the basis of the designations of the municipal councilors”. It is “a regional legislative norm introduced with the regional law that two or three years ago lowered the quorum for the election of the mayor in the first round from 50% plus 1 to 40% +1. firstly, it is singular that the presidents of the polling stations are indicated by the municipal councilors; secondly, whoever had to manage this type of assignments had to do an availability survey because we had known for a long time that we were voting on June 12 “.

“I believe in the Third World – observes Puglisi – these things do not happen because there are observers from the UN, the OECD. They happen here, in a supposedly advanced country. The thing remains equally serious from the point of view of appointment methodology. The judiciary will deal with it, but before a decision is reached who knows what will happen “, concludes Puglisi.

“A truly surreal story, but a pinch of common sense would have been enough …”, says the Sicilian writer to Gaetano Savatteriauthor of the novels from which the television series was based ‘Makari’ and then are Rai1.

“Simply moving the matchwhich was symbolic for the entire city – observes Savatteri – It was foreseeable that the great anticipation for this race and for the promotion of Palermo (victory that took place with the passage of the Rosaneri in Serie B, ed.) would also have an impact on the composition and presence of the members at the polling stations. Among other things, many thought that the game would be postponed, brought forward or postponed by a day. But this did not happen, perhaps due to the needs of audience tv. Surely, it was a Sunday that saw too many things ‘at stake’, in the true sense of the word. Maybe when you vote, electoral silence is not enough, football silence is also needed … “.

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