From Raffaele Paganini to Les italiens de l’Opéra Paris, starting in Florence Danzainfiera

by time news

The expectation for Danzainfiera 2022 is growing. The people of dance will meet again after a year of detention at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence on 25, 26, 27 February to relive the emotions that this event has been giving for sixteen years. Re-Dance Your Life is the slogan chosen to celebrate this restart and “to never stop”. As always, many auditions are planned to which many international guests have been invited to participate.

The directors Thelma Louise of Joffrey Ballet School, Tracy Inman of The Ailey School, Davis Robertson of New York Dance Project and Antonio Fini of Fini Dance New York (known to the general public as a judge of Dancing on the Road). But the best Italian professional academies will also be present. From Lombardy the Ukrainian Academy of ballet, ArteMente, Artichoke, Liceo Coreutico Giuditta Pasta, the Russian Ballet Society, School of Musical Theater, Veneto Dreaming Academy and Mm Eventi.

And, again, from Emilia Romagna Profession Danza Parma, Professional Musical Italy, Dance Movement Ballet, from Toscana Centro Opus Ballet, Ateneo della danza, Projects for Dance, Musical Times, Csen, from Lazio Balletto di Roma, Matrix linked to Aics , Rida, from Campania realities linked to Aimb (Italian Association of Dance Masters), Csi (Italian Sports Center) and Danza- Msp.

The internship program also includes the presence of many international artists who will address the theme of the repertoire in the context of contemporary art. Among other things, the Akram Khan Company is expected, one of the most innovative in the world for the artistic vision that contaminates the Indian kathak form with contemporary dance, Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo directed by Jean-Christophe Maillot, of more neoclassical inspiration , which pays particular attention to the interpretative aspects. Another focus is that of techniques. For the first time at Danzainfiera the famous Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London presents a stage in Release technique and the official school of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater company in New York conducts a stage in Horton technique, Ailey repertoire.

There will be training and in-depth moments dedicated to teachers, with a master on modern contemporary teaching technique, the presentations of new methods of approach such as the Danzaticità that develops well-being through play, the Dalcroze Rhythm or the Jaques-Dalcroze Method that allows to approach music in a creative way, the Pass Method for the performing arts.

But also static movement by Paolo Gagliardi, a new method of dance and yoga that improves psychophysical, cognitive and relational well-being and Essenzacorpo by Stefania Losasso a training system for dance that puts the body at the center of research. An aligned, functional, integrated, emotional body. Finally, the TuttoDanza magazine will provide an overview of social media, the new trends of 2022, the news and opportunities that digital can offer to the world of dance.

Again for an audience of sector operators, two conferences will be held promoted by Adi, an association for the protection and representation of the dance world (which can also be followed online, watching the live Facebook on the AssoDanza Italia page): “The Schools of Dance towards the future “and” The professional qualification of the dance teacher “, the latter theme, which will be studied in depth by the Training Agencies accredited for professional training by the Piedmont and Tuscany Region, in a moment of orientation to training and certification of dance teachers in Italy Many inevitable choreographic events that will animate the stages of Danzainfiera.

The International Expression Competition, organized by Ida, which is now in its 17th edition, the Fiori all’occhiello Ballare Viaggiando competition, the world tour in dance supported by the homonymous portal and dedicated to folk and Contemporary on Stage dances, the showcase open to young companies , emerging ensembles and choreographers with the aim of offering job opportunities focused on the musical repertoire of all eras – including unpublished works – aimed at non-professional performers. And again the Pop Tap Festival, which for the 6th time gives an appointment to lovers of claquettes, in all styles of tap dance and clog dance with performances by international guest artists Ruben Sanchez and D’Angelo Bros, also engaged in internships.

As always, there is room for everyone, even for those who, stopped for some time, do not feel ready to compete, but do not give up on treading the scenes, finding hospitality in the historic Dance and Junior Parade reviews, or within organized events. by Coni Associations and Promotion Bodies and aimed at their affiliates. Those who love challenges will not renounce to participate in the all style battle Kidz Hip Hop Hurrah, which will see among the judges Sly and the teachers of the ‘urban’ themed internships Rada, one of the greatest exponents of Waacking in Italy and abroad, and the Bboy Roman Froz, Italian and European champion of breakdance. We also compete in the Contemporary Battle, where the winner will win a trip to New York. And in the Jam Dance Session, for those who just want to dance, without an audience, simply for the pleasure of letting themselves go to the notes of the live music of the artist, performer and composer Stefano Simmaco.

The show is scheduled to close on 27 February with Les Italiens de l’Opéra, a company made up of Italian dancers who are part of the Paris Opera Ballet, founded and directed by Alessio Carbone who of the Opéra is principal dancer. Among the names announced Bianca Scudamore, Bleuenn Battistoni, Nicola Di Vico, Francesco Mura, Andrea Sarri and Alexandre Boccara, who will perform in solos and pas de deux alternating the classical repertoire with the contemporary one, from Bournoville to Bigonzetti. The Gala is not just a show for the general public, but it is the moment in which the experience of the students culminates who at Dif studied in the hall with the protagonists in this case by attending the neoclassical / contemporary repertory internship with the Mariottini couple – Tognoloni and the advanced classical stage with Les Italiens de L’Opéra and the maître de ballet Francesco Vantaggio.

Other special guests to report in this edition, the dancers Marcello Sacchetta, Santo Giulian and Alice Bellagamba known to the public for their participation in the program Amici, étoile and international artists such as Monica Perego, Raffaele Paganini, Vladimir Derevianko, in addition to the social phenomena of the moment, the dancer Marta Molinari with her live ballet experience and the couple ‘Mother and son’ Paola Manghisi and Lorenzo Azzolini, who meet their followers in their special Hip Hop stage. And again casting for animation agencies such as PeterPan and for well-known television programs.

Lots of lessons open to anyone, to deepen the disciplines that are at home at Dif and to discover new ones. The dances from the world – the Irish Brush Dance or ‘broom dance’, which is the daughter of the Clog Dancing, the Afro Yoruba Yemayà dances originating in Cuba, the Polynesian dance Aparima style, but also the Flamenco and the Argentine Tango -, the dances that arise from the fusion of different styles – Martial Dance that blends dance and martial arts, Acro Dance, CardioDance – and dances back in time – Lindy Hop and Vintage jazz of the early 30s of the last century. ‘The historical dances of society in Russian ballet’ such as the polka, the polonaise and the waltz, illustrated by the homonymous book published by Gremese and explored in the hall with the National Historical Dance Company which presents the 19th century Grand Ball.

For the more daring there is the Air Passion Zone, a special area dedicated to the aerial arts where every day adults and children can experiment with verticalism, fabrics, hoops and trapezes together with Acsi technicians, to live a circus experience as protagonists. Here we anticipate just some of the 2022 products and trends previewed at Dif. In the area dedicated to companies, Grishko presents the Bolshoi Stars Magnifique collection, in spring and floral tones, which promises to reveal the goddess that is in every dancer, Merlet Dance presents Lena, the eco-friendly French pointe shoe, while Bloch has designed the Balance Lisse tip to allow prolonged work on the tips without effort.

Attention to ecology and respect for nature in production cycles, as well as the maximum development of technology to guarantee protection against accidents, are the guidelines that have inspired the producers of hundreds of brands in the sector. Dif 2022 is a varied, in-depth and scrupulously safe program, so that anyone can participate with serenity in the return of the most awaited event of the year by the people of dance.

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