From refreshments to sports pads. What does the Sostegni bis decree provide?

by time news

AGI – From refreshments to discounts for rents for companies affected by the pandemic crisis, from subsidies for mortgages and for the purchase of a first home for the under 36s to the refinancing of emergency income, from the postponement of the plastic tax to 2022 stop of the Tari, the first Imu installment and the tax on tables for bars and restaurants. The measures for corporate liquidity have also been extended and smart working in the private sector extended until 20 September.

Compensation to sports clubs for the expenses incurred to carry out swabs is also coming. These are some of the main novelties of the text, still being defined, of the Sostegni bis decree that the government is preparing to launch this week. A provision, 48 articles according to the draft circulated, financed with the 40 billion extra deficit approved by Parliament.

There are still many interventions to be finalized, as evidenced by the eleven articles still lacking the norm: the refinancing of the mountain fund, the extension of the allowances of seasonal workers, tourism and sport, Ita, Tpl and the railway sector.

Furthermore, the details of the measures for the needs of the extraordinary commissioner of the Covid emergency, for agriculture, water and gas bills, international vaccines, schools and defense are missing.

The decree will then enter the further extension to 31 May of the suspension of payment of the tax bills and deeds, announced with the now usual formula of the ‘press release’. It could be the last stop as the government considers a selective recovery of the collection from June.

Refreshments based on the decline in turnover, two channels

A dowry of 14.1 billion for refreshments with a double track: the aid will always be recognized on the basis of the drop in turnover but it will be possible to choose the reference period. A non-repayable grant is envisaged automatically disbursed by the Revenue Agency replicating the requirements, calculation criteria and methods already provided for by the first Sostegni decree. But, alternatively, you can opt for the calculation based on the period 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021 compared to the same period 2019-2020.

Private smart working until September

The extension to 30 September 2021 of smart working is coming, even in the absence of individual agreements, in the private sector.

Tax relief until May

Extended for the months from January 2021 to May 2021 the reliefs on rents for companies and professionals with revenues or fees not exceeding 10 million euros, which have recorded turnover losses of at least 30% compared to the average monthly amount in 2019 . The beneficiaries of the non-repayable contributions of the first Sostegni decree will be able to continue to benefit from a tax credit of 60% of the monthly amount of the rent for non-residential properties and 30% of the monthly amount of the rent for the business lease.

The allowances for rents have also been extended until 31 May (at 60% of the monthly rent for non-residential properties and 50% for the rents of business leases) for hotels, agritourisms, travel agencies , tour operators and spas, regardless of the volume of revenues and fees recorded in the previous tax period. In total, 2.25 billion is expected.

Emergency income for another two months

The emergency income will also be recognized for the months of June and July. The decree extends the duration (March, April and May) of the Rem provided for in the first Sostegni decree. The application must be submitted to INPS by 30 June 2021.

Plastic tax, slide again

The plastic tax that will come into force on January 1st 2022 and no longer July 1st of this year has been postponed for another six months.

Stop Rai license fee

Throughout 2021, the payment of the Rai fee for accommodation facilities, bars and restaurants will be stopped. However, the measure could fall within the amendments to the Sostegni decree being examined by the Senate.

No first installment Imu and small table fee

Stop the payment of the first IMU installment for companies in difficulty benefiting from non-repayable contributions and no ‘tax on tables’ until the end of 2021 for bars and restaurants and for street vendors.

Tari discount and shopping vouchers

A fund of 600 million has been set up to allow municipalities to reduce the Tari due for 2021. The resources will be distributed among the entities concerned by decree of the Minister of the Interior in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance. The possibility is also envisaged for municipalities to extend the concessions with charges borne by their own budget, or by using the resources allocated in 2020 and not used. Another 500 million is also on the way, to be shared, to allow mayors to finance vouchers for food shopping and support for the payment of rents and household utilities.

6.5 million for vaccine production

A dowry of 16.5 million for the public national production of anti-Covid vaccines. A special fund is set up for the Ministry of Defense for the construction of a drug filling department, to be set up within the Military Pharmaceutical Chemical Plant of Florence for the needs of the Military and Public Health. In total 63.2 million are allocated for the development of military health and production capacity in the vaccine and antidotic sector.

No house taxes and guaranteed mortgage for under 36

Until 31 December 2022 the guarantee of the Fund on the first home is granted with priority to those under 36. Furthermore, the decree provides until the end of 2022, for those under 36 years of age and intending to buy their first home, the exemption from register and mortgage and land registry taxes. Notary fees are reduced by half and a tax credit equal to the VAT paid in relation to the purchase is also envisaged.

Extension of SME moratoriums and Sace guarantee

Liquidity measures for companies extended until the end of the year. The extension to 31 December 2021 of the moratoriums for SMEs arrives, currently in force until 30 June. The Extension is valid for the entire perimeter of loans for loans disbursed before March 2020 and only for the principal portion of the installments for loans due between July and December 2021. Extended, from June to December, with some adjustments, the schemes of the Guarantee Fund for SMEs and the Italian Guarantee Fund issued by Sace.

For loans of up to 30 thousand euros guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund for SMEs, from 1 July 2021, the maximum amount of guarantee that can be issued drops from 100 to 90%. Furthermore, also from July, the extension of guarantees and guaranteed loans is envisaged for both new and existing transactions, against a rescheduling of the coverage of the guarantee and the payment of a premium.

Bank mergers incentives until June 2022

Extension of the incentives to corporate combinations introduced by the budget law for 2021. The terms envisaged for the use of the transformation of deferred tax assets, the so-called Dta, into a tax credit are extended by six months. In particular, those resolved up to 30 June 2022 and no longer until 31 December 2021 are included among the facilitated combinations.

The limit of deferred tax assets convertible into tax credit is also raised from 2 to 3% of the sum of the assets of the parties participating in the merger or spin-off, without considering the party presenting the assets of the greater of business contribution, from 2 to 3% of the sum of the assets to be conferred.

No capital gain taxes for those who invest in innovative startups

No substitute tax of 26% on capital gains until December 2025 for those who invest in innovative start-ups for at least 3 years on condition that the capital gains are reinvested in innovative start-ups or innovative SMEs, through the subscription of share capital.

2 billion for the debts of the Pa

Two billion more for the disbursement of liquidity advances in favor of local authorities to dispose of the stock of debts accrued up to 31 December 2020 towards their suppliers of goods and services.

No ticket for post covid performance

Outpatient specialist services exempt from the ticket for the two years of post Covid monitoring provided for by a national experimental protocol.

Fund for sports tampons, 10 million to Serie A

A A fund with an endowment of 61 million euros to reimburse professional and amateur sports clubs, registered with the Coni, for the expenses incurred to carry out the necessary tampons to guarantee the continuation of the competitions. The 20 Serie A football clubs have spent 10 million euros, as many Serie B clubs 6 million and 60 of Serie C over 10 million. While 16 A-series basketball clubs incurred costs of 1.7 million. The expenditure incurred by amateur clubs and associations is 32.5 million.


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