From Sunday: Radio Ynet is launched

by time news

On Sunday at 7:00 a.m., Ynet’s digital radio broadcasts will begin. Listeners will be able to connect to it from anywhere and the broadcast stream will be available 24 hours a day

The first digital radio in Israel is launched: on Sunday at 7:00 a.m. ynet radio broadcasts will begin.

At ynet radio you can connect from wherever you are. The “stream”, the broadcast stream will be available 24 hours a day – and during the day there will be live broadcasts, with more than 30 programs.

On Sundays through Wednesdays, at 7:00, Sharon Kidon Vichy will open with all the headlines, interviews and what you need to know to connect with the news, especially in the run-up to the elections. At 9:00 – the program of Doria Lampel and Udi Segal (presenter of the main edition on News 13) with a sharp and in-depth look at what is happening and interviews with the people who influence our lives. Tonight’s current affairs segment will be presented from 17:00 by Dodo Erez and Yoav Rabinowitz, who will break the spins and sum up the day from a different angle.

The daily economy strip “New Money” will be broadcast at 16:00. The hi-techists also have a weekly strip in the evenings – the #feedtech people from Twitter will broadcast their podcast on ynet radio. On Thursdays, to understand what’s important in the economy, don’t miss “The Engines of Money”, Calcalist’s successful podcast with Shay Salinas and Uri Greenfeld.

So how do you get to all this? On the home page of the ynet application and website you will find the player that by clicking play will connect you to the broadcast. It will continue even if you read articles on Ynet – and even if you switched to WhatsApp, email or any other application on your phone. If you are in the office or at home you can listen from the computer of course, or on the smart TV with radio apps. On the road you can activate the various car audio applications – such as Android Auto for Android devices and CarPlay for iPhone. Did you miss it during the broadcast? The full programs will be saved in the special area on ynet and in the various podcast applications.

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