“From the contacts I’ve had, I think he’ll be here”

by time news

2023-08-12 15:11:00

”Pompeii is the best site to host the world challenge between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. This government, and I say that I’m not from that political party, has staked a lot on Pompeii. The one before was too but Minister Sangiuliano is even more so. From the institutional contacts I’ve had, I think the choice will fall on Pompeii. I am an optimist”. The mayor of Pompeii Carmine Lo Sapio told time.news regarding the martial arts challenge between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.

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Those who criticize saying that Italy is not an amusement park ”perhaps it escapes – underlines the mayor of Pompeii – that there will be a donation of around 200 million for two pediatric hospitals. I don’t know which structures this charity will reach but wherever it is, as an Italian I will be happy”. Returning to the fight, “we have proposed the Amphitheater to host it. safety issues, but will be streamed on social media around the world.” The challenge between the CEO of Tesla and that of Meta, however, should not be held on August 26th. ”I know there is a date shift. I can assure you that it won’t be August 26, given the tight deadlines, but most likely at the end of September”.

”I really like the idea of ​​a ‘fight’ between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, to take place in Italy in an epic location – says Roberto Occhiuto, president of the Calabria Region – It could be a good opportunity, alternative and outside from the usual schemes, to recall the millenary history of the most ancient civilizations, to give charity, and to promote the territory. This morning I heard from the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, and I officially nominated Calabria to host this world event. Our Region, the cradle of the Riace Bronzes, has all the credentials, historical, cultural and social, to be able to take up this challenge”.

#contacts #Ive #hell

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