From the global financial pact to the tragedy of Nahel’s death: the astonishing role of NGOs and philanthropic societies in times of crisis(es)

by time news

2023-07-08 13:45:00

TRIBUNE/OPINIONS – On June 22 and 23, was held at the Palais Brongniart the “summit for a new global financial pact”organized by France and whose stated ambition was to “build a new consensus for a more united international financial system”. Part of the political and financial institutional elite took part in this summit “inclusive and multi-actor”including heads of state, bank executives, heads of international organizations and companies.

French President Emmanuel Macron, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen were announced as present along with the Presidents of Benin, Colombia, South Africa, the Minister of Finances of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Al-Jadaan, the director of the Caisse des Dépôts Eric Lombard or the president of the World Bank Group Ajay Banga, etc.

But we also note the sponsorship of this summit by NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization) and other well-known so-called philanthropic foundations, such as theOpen Society Foundations, The Rockfeller Foundationthe Bill et Melinda Gates foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Children’s investment fund foundation or Global Citizen. On the sidelines of this “new pact”, Alexander Soros, son of billionaire Georges Soros, at the head ofOpen Society and Melinda Gates, the ex-wife of Bill Gates now at the head of their foundation, were received at the Élysée.

No media really picked it up. A tweet from Melinda Gates, however, communicated on this event:

Same thing on the side of Alexander Soros, who reports on his meeting with the tenant of the Élysée:

One can legitimately wonder what theOpen Society and the Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates have to do with the organization of a new international financial pact… Isn’t this more of interest for our governments and for the representatives of the Central Banks in particular?

The question has not been raised by any journalist in the French mainstream media, or any leading politician, to my knowledge. No comment. However, while the summit presented its ambition to be a “New Bretton Woods”dont famous chords drew the main lines of the international financial system after the Second World War, it does not seem that at the time was invited to the debates the Rockfeller Foundation…

The multifaceted presence of NGOs and philanthropic foundations

And these NGOs and foundations find themselves where you don’t necessarily expect them… On June 27, Nahel, a 17-year-old young man, was killed by a policeman when he refused to comply with a the engine of his vehicle. As is appropriate in such circumstances, pending the completion of the investigation, the law enforcement officer benefits from the presumption of innocence. On June 29, a white march in memory of Nahel was organized. We then note the presence in the procession of Assa Traoré, founder of the committee “Truth and justice for Adama“. According to some sources, this collective has been funded since 2016 by theOpen Society Foundation from Soros.

On the free access web, you have to look for the media Epoch Timesheadquartered in New York, created by John Tang, a close associate of the Falun Gong movement, to learn more by reading an opinion piece, originally published by the Letter from the Strategists by Eric Verhaeghe:

“You must readthe excellent article by Oriane Calligaro published in the Revue Politix in 2018 (n°121)which describes very well how the Open Society of George Soros helped a lot in the structuring of theEuropean Network Against Racism (ENAR) which coordinates many movements (…). Among the French members of this European network, we find, among others, the Council Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) and the Representative Council of Black Associations (CRAN) (…).The network claims support for actions carried out by equally interesting members.In particular, the name of Rokhaya Diallo often comes up there. In the members of the Network, we also find the ‘Justice and Freedom Collectives’who do not hide their participation in the mobilization in favor of the Traoré family.”

A source of which the original linkis no longer available… In short, this information is hardly relayed by the mainstream media!

According on the Wikipedia pageAssa Traore “exercises until 2016 the profession ofspecial education teacher . She claims to have chosen this profession in class ofCM2while his teacher had asked educators from thejudicial protection of youthto come and present their profession”. In 2007, she graduated. “She is also the creator of a small clothing line”, what “relaunch in 2019”. We also read that she “works in SarcellesOPEJ Foundation – Baron Edmond de Rothschildwhen his brother dies”. . . . Assa Traore “Is then put on sick leave until August 2017 and remains an OPEJ employee, without pay, until December 2019”.

The white march in memory of Nahel was organized very quickly, with relatively heavy logistics. This represents a high cost. Could an NGO (or a so-called philanthropic foundation) have participated directly or indirectly in the financing of this event linked to the tragic disappearance of the young man?

This question is all the more worth asking when, on June 14, Alhoussein, a 19-year-old young Guinean, was also killed by a policemanas he left for work. Despite the complaint made by his relatives, no one has heard of it. Neither in the media nor on the streets. Why such a double standard? Should we wait for an international summit to take place in France and for the representatives of major philanthropic foundations and other NGOs to be in Paris for funds to be hypothetically released by them in order to publicize this kind of tragedy?

We could then ask ourselves the question of the politico-media recovery of this kind of drama, while certain laws, certain regulations and other political orientations are decided on the side of Brussels and will have a major impact on the lives of the French. I will come back to this in a future forum.

In the meantime, chance and coincidence: the film Athena (filmed in 2022 and can only be seen on Netflix) tells a story quite similar to Nahel’s. In the feature film, the role of a lawyer is played by I am Yassine Bouzrou. It turns out that the latter is now, in real life, Nahel’s mother’s lawyer.

Without waiting, we can already ask ourselves if destiny is playing with us or if our renunciation of no longer taking our destiny in hand in the face of a flood of tragic events repeated on a loop by the media, in a kind of chaos total in which we try to find meaning, is playing a very bad trick on us.

Caroline Porteu is a curious retiree who has worked in many professions, passionate about the founding texts.

#global #financial #pact #tragedy #Nahels #death #astonishing #role #NGOs #philanthropic #societies #times #crisises

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