From today the rings of Saturn are clearly visible and in a few days the shooting stars of the night of San Lorenzo-

by time news
from Paolo Virtuani

In this month, double astronomical appointment: the second largest planet in the Solar System is at the most visible point of the year from Earth, from 10 August the meteor shower of the Perseids

Double astronomical appointment in August: Saturn and the meteor shower of the Perseids, also known as Lacrime di San Lorenzo. Since last night, Saturn has been at the most favorable point of the year to be seen from Earth, especially its rings. To see them you will need good binoculars, better if you have a small amateur telescope. The second largest planet in the Solar System, in fact, is located at the point closest to the Earth and diametrically opposite to the Sun, a position that guarantees the best visibility. This year presents itself with the northern hemisphere slightly tilted towards the Earth, at an angle that allows the sun’s rays to better illuminate its icy rings. The show will be visible all night and will continue for the whole month, explains astrophysicist Gianluca Masi, scientific director of the Virtual Telescope Project.


“The visibility will remain good for several weeks,” he confirms. «The month of August will be perfect to admire Saturn even with the naked eye: in this period the planet stands out in the sky because it is relatively isolated against the faint backdrop of Capricorn stars». Further east there is a brighter point: it is Jupiter, larger and closer than Saturn (the two planets were in conjunction a few days before last Christmas, never so close to each other for 800 years compared to an observer on the Land). Fans will be able to point their lenses to the South-East in the evening, to the South in the middle of the night and to the South-West before dawn. “The only problem is the southern location which makes it visible in the southernmost portion of the sky, so the atmospheric turbulence does not allow the northern hemisphere (where Italy is located) to appreciate the planet at its best”.

Falling stars

The Perseids are a meteor shower formed by the dust of the tail of the comet Swift-Tuttle, discovered in 1862. It was the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli who connected the Lacrime di San Lorenzo to the comet. The best nights to see shooting stars are between 11 and 13 August, when the Earth in its orbit passes through the dust cloud. Meteorites fall into the atmosphere at high speed and disintegrate. At the most, 50-100 can be seen in an hour, but not every year is so lucky. It also depends on the position of the Moon: if it is full and bright its light hinders the best observation. 2021 is a favorable year because the Moon will be new on August 8 and in the days of the fall of the meteorites it will descend below the horizon shortly after the setting of the Sun, leaving the night sky dark and suitable for observing shooting stars. Clouds permitting.

August 3, 2021 (change August 3, 2021 | 09:51)

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