From today until April 13, pig farmers and poultry farmers declare support for humane treatment

by time news

Application for the aid for fattening pigs will be from 9 to 19 May 2023 – first tranche

From March 27, 2023, the regional directorates of the State Fund “Agriculture” are accepting applications for participation under the schemes “Assistance for the implementation of voluntarily undertaken commitments for humane treatment of the pigs and “Assistance in the implementation of voluntary commitments for humane treatment of the birds„.

Documents for the state aid for the humane treatment of birds are submitted by April 13, and the payment of the aid will start from April 25, 2023. The amount of financial support for 2023, determined by the Management Board of DF “Agriculture”, is 27,712,000 BGN. By type of bird, the aid is as follows:

  • Laying hens (from the 16th to the 78th week) – 88.01 euros per animal unit;
  • Parents of all species (from the 18th to the 60th week) – 181.53 euros per animal unit;
  • Broilers one turnover – 17.38 euros per animal unit;
  • Turkeys for fattening – 29.65 euros per animal unit;
  • Geese – 29.65 euros per animal unit;
  • Ducks one turnover (up to the 12th week – 84 days) – 26.58 euros per animal unit.

Guidelines for the implementation of aid for the implementation of voluntary commitments for the humane treatment of birds have been uploaded to the website of the DF “Agriculture”.

The application period for sow support under the Pig Welfare Scheme is also from 27 March to 13 April 2023.

The aid for rearing pigs for fattening is granted for the requested number of animals subject to compliance with the requirements included in the guidelines for the implementation of the scheme. To support pigs for fattening, applications for participation in the first tranche will be accepted from 9 to 19 May 2023. The second tranche will be open for receiving applications from 4 to 20 September and the third from 6 to 20 October 2023. The term for payment of the aid is up to one month after the deadline for submitting applications.

The financial resource for 2023 under the scheme is BGN 36,717,000. The assistance is as follows:

  • sows – 84.13 euros per animal unit (164.54 in BGN);
  • pigs for fattening – 76.76 euros per animal unit (150.12 BGN).

Pig welfare scheme guidelines have been uploaded to the website of the DF “Agriculture”.

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