From tomorrow vaccines for tourists on holiday in Abruzzo – Pescara

by time news

PESCARA. From tomorrow (Thursday 1 July) the second dose of the anti Covid vaccine will begin to be administered to tourists who spend at least 15 days of vacation in Abruzzo in the months of July and August. This was announced by the ASL of Pescara. Instead, to avoid outbreaks of the Delta variant and expand the number of vaccinated people, the Asl Lanciano Vasto Chieti launches new measures dedicated to the municipalities that currently have a lower coverage rate than the provincial average.

As for the vaccinations of tourists, each ASL has a dedicated email address and telephone numbers. The ASL of Pescara makes it known to make the email available for booking: [email protected] (active immediately) and the telephone number 331 2694574 active from Monday to Wednesday from 9 to 13 but starting from July 5th. The managers of the vaccination hubs allow the vaccination of the interested parties, subject to the withdrawal of the self-certification in which they declare the status of tourist and the duration of stay in the territory (in an accommodation facility, private home, holiday home etc. with their respective domicile) greater than 15 days.

As for the expansion of the vaccination campaign arranged in Chietino, however, there is talk of 500 free places every day to compensate for the “holes” recorded in some areas with higher urbanization. The countries of the inland areas have responded best to the campaign so far, immunizing over 60% of the resident population. “We know that among the vaccinated people, some could equally be positive for the variant – clarifies the general manager of the ASL Thomas Schael – which, however, does not cause an impairment of the state of health. Basically, the vaccine certainly serves to protect against the risk of infection but above all to avoid hospitalization and serious consequences in the event of any contagion. This is why we put a lot of pressure to push people who have not yet done so to get vaccinated, and I am referring above all to the over 50s and 60s who are still missing and who represent a high risk category if they contract the infection “.

But the Delta variant danger remains in the background of the vaccination campaign also due to the concern expressed by the Region, which invites the ASL to adopt restrictive containment measures in the localities affected by further clusters “confirmed and not associated with known transmission chains of Delta variant infection of Sars-CoV-2 “. In essence, the reminder is not to hesitate to return to limited red areas in the face of an increase in cases. The invitation to speed up vaccination, and to do so within the next two weeks, was addressed to the mayors of 12 municipalities recalled by Schael to share a vaccination strategy especially for young people: Castelfrentano, Cupello, Lanciano, Miglianico, Monteodorisio, Orsogna, San Giovanni Teatino, San Salvo, San Vito, Torrevecchia, Vasto and Villamagna. But also others do not have good vaccination performance, and equally they have been invited to mobilize their residents: Atessa, Tornareccio, Fossacesia, Treglio, Rocca San Giovanni, Frisa, S. Maria Imbaro, Mozzagrogna, Altino, Perano, Montebello sul Sangro , Pizzoferrato, Roio del Sangro, Francavilla, San Buono, Lentella, Fresagrandinaria, Palmoli.

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