From Tragedy to Triumph: Manuel Bortuzzo Wins Bronze in Paralympics After Life-Changing Shooting Incident

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    <p>“For me, it feels like gold,” commented the blue swimmer. On February 3, 2019, due to a case of mistaken identity outside a pub in the southern outskirts of Rome, he became the victim of a shooting: a bullet, which stopped at the level of a vertebra, caused a spinal cord injury that compromised the mobility of his legs. At that time, the athlete, a promising figure in Italian youth swimming, was gearing up for the Tokyo Olympics. Now, redemption at the Paris Paralympics.</p>


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    <p>After the shooting that shattered his dream of participating in the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, Manuel Bortuzzo completes the circle and wins a medal at the Paris 2024 Paralympics. The blue swimmer won bronze in the 100m breaststroke SB4. “For me, it feels like gold,” he commented.</p>

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<h2>Bortuzzo's Bronze</h2>

<p>Bortuzzo's bronze in the 100m breaststroke SB4 came after the swimmer recorded the fourth-fastest time in the heats, but then he pushed hard in the first lane and managed to secure third place. “It’s an indescribable emotion, I hoped for it, I have never won anything, I didn't expect it. I don’t know what to say, it’s beautiful," he excitedly shared after winning the medal. "In the last lap, I thought about all the hard work I had done to get here, it’s wonderful. For me, it’s like gold. It’s already a lot to be here, and then to have a medal… I owe it mainly to my coach, there have been many times I thought about giving up," he added.</p>

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         <h2 class="c-section-title c-section-title--colored" data-shadow="see also">see also</h2>
         <h3 class="c-inline-card__title">Paralympics, the events and updates for September 2</h3>

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<h2>The Story of Manuel Bortuzzo</h2>

<p>On February 3, 2019, due to a case of mistaken identity outside a pub in the southern outskirts of Rome, Bortuzzo became the victim of a shooting. A bullet, which stopped at the level of a vertebra, caused a spinal cord injury that compromised the mobility of his legs. At that time, the athlete, a promise of Italian youth swimming, was on the rise for the Tokyo Olympics: born in Trieste on May 3, 1999, he moved to Rome to train with champions like Gregorio Paltrinieri and Gabriele Detti and had been included in the "Road to Tokyo 2020" project. In 2015, he also set the new Italian record in the boys' category in the 3,000 meters, taking it from Paltrinieri. After the shooting, it seemed that Bortuzzo's sports career was permanently over. But he did not give up, and by February 18, 2019, he began rehabilitation, while in July he was back in the pool.</p>

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         <h2 class="c-section-title c-section-title--colored" data-shadow="see also">see also</h2>
         <h3 class="c-inline-card__title">Manuel Bortuzzo, reduced sentence on appeal for Marinelli and Bazzano</h3>

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<h2>The Paralympics</h2>

<p>After a difficult period, Bortuzzo - who in the meantime also participated in Big Brother Vip - returned to competitions. And he cultivated the dream of taking part in the Paris Paralympics: a dream not only fulfilled but crowned with a bronze medal. Before the start of the Games, he said they represented for him "the closure of a circle. It’s a wonderful feeling. Being here gives me that peace of mind to say I have arrived, now there is nothing to lose.”</p>

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         <h2 class="c-section-title c-section-title--colored" data-shadow="read also">read also</h2>
         <h3 class="c-inline-card__title">Paralympics, Manuel Bortuzzo: "The challenge of relearning to swim"</h3>

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            <span class="c-label c-label--article-heading-white">News</span>
            <h3 class="c-inline-gallery__title">Who is Manuel Bortuzzo, from the shooting to the Paralympics. PHOTO STORY</h3>

            <div class="c-inline-gallery__text" data-copy="Ansa/Ipa/Instagram">
                <p>In the night between February 2 and 3, 2019, the young promise of swimming - born in 1999 - was reached by a gunshot during an ambush in Rome. He remains paralyzed due to a spinal injury. He was among the names in the running for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. In the following years, he resumed training with the goal, achieved, of reaching the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games: here he wins bronze in the 100m breaststroke SB4. In the meantime, he tells his story in two books, participates in the Gf Vip and in the docufilm 'Ultima gara'</p>

            <div class="c-inline-gallery__text" data-copy="©IPA/Fotogramma">
                    <li>The dream of becoming a swimming champion shattered by gunfire outside a pub in the southern outskirts of Rome. Then the rehabilitation process, the condemnation of the attackers, <i>Big Brother</i>, a docufilm featuring him as a protagonist, and the medal at the <b>2024 Paris Paralympics</b>. It is the story of <b>Manuel Bortuzzo</b>, a swimming promise, who became paralyzed at 20 after a shooting in the night between February 2 and 3, 2019.</li>

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                <p><b>THE PASSION FOR SWIMMING AND THE 3000M RECORD IN 2015</b></p>
                    <li>Manuel Bortuzzo - registered as Manuelmateo - was born in Trieste on May 3, <b>1999</b>, but soon moved to Treviso. Among all the sports he practiced, one particularly captivated him: swimming. In 2013, he made his first appearance in youth championships. His rise was rapid: in 2015, he set the new <b>Italian record</b> in the <b>boys' category for 3000 meters</b>, taking it from <b>Gregorio Paltrinieri</b>. Bortuzzo also stood out in the middle-distance events (400 and 1500 meters freestyle).</li>

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                <p><b>ROAD TO TOKYO 2020</b></p>
                    <li>In the following years, the youth swimming promise, meanwhile relocated to <b>Ostia</b>, was included in the <b>Road to Tokyo 2020</b> program, in anticipation of the Olympics. He trained with medalists such as Gabriele Detti and the same Gregorio Paltrinieri.</li>

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