From “Uncharted” to “Ennio”: guide to movies in cinemas, on Netflix, Prime Video and other platforms

by time news

From a luxurious video game, a treasure hunt for elastic boys, rubber faces, bad guys and spies. For the beautiful souls of marketing, a project that hopes to draw energy and resources from cinema to give impetus to the videogame model by increasing community. Better understand each other immediately and indulge in hard and pure adventureat the Fast & Furiouswithout cloaked superheroes but with maps, double and triple keys, chests and riddles, flying cars and galleons parked on distant islands. Uncharted is the film adaptation of the beloved saga of Naughty Dop born in 2007. Story of two brothers – orphans, Nate and Sam, descendants of the pirate Francis Drake, separated as childrenwhich chase each other throughout the film.
It is not strange that the protagonist of the toy is that Tom Holland, Zendaya’s lifelong boyfriend, who is also Spider-Man’s most recent face. Stranger is that Holland is paired up in the film with Mark Wahlberg, an actor of good appeal but of marble actinghere grappling with the character of a rogue with no moral but with a heart (after all) of gold, now good now bad guy, often not received.
So, the origins of Nate Drake with all the icons, tracks, symbols of the Sony brand. Director Ruben Fleischer tells the dynamic tale of the thief and acrobatic barman hired by the collector Victor Sullivan (Wahlberg) to chase the treasure of Magellan, the great Portuguese navigator who undertook the first circumnavigation of the Earth in 1521 but he was killed in the Philippines. It was his sailors who carried out the feat, hiding the gold collected on a remote island. The trip was financed by the Moncada family, whose last representative is played by Antonio Banderas, eager to recover the money spent centuries earlier with interest.
Already in the incipit Nate hangs out of the cockpit of an airplane. Walking wastes the nine lives of a cat, falls in love with the very liar Chloe Frazer (Sophia Taylor Ali), sets out on the trail of her brother Sam across half the world. The videogame becomes a Salgarian novel. Nate is a candid kidalmost a wizard, who, however, must gain experience and learn to face an existence of bangs, jumps and deceptions. Wahlberg is the felonious version of a father that Nate has only a vague memory of. Typical movie that you love or hate, from which it is easy to be enchanted, Uncharted it’s like those songs that fans sing to their lips and know by heart. There is no real evolution between game and cinema. Ruben Fleischer takes refuge in the traditional scheme of the nineteenth-century children’s story. The digital element is to the action as the stirred unmixed martini is to James Bond. Warning: don’t get up before the end credits. They lay the foundations for an adequate number of sequels and it is good not to lose your mark.

UNCHARTED by Ruben Fleischer
(Usa, 2022, duration 136 ‘)

con Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Sophia Taylor Ali, Antonio Banderas, Bryan Cranston, Patricia Meeden
Rating: *** 1/2 (for effects, effects, effects)
In the halls

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