from vetoing amnesty in 2021 to doing pedagogy and leaving it in the hands of the TC

by time news

2023-08-24 09:08:08

The PSOE is already paving the way to negotiate its investiture with the pro-independence parties and is already preparing, in this sense, the change of argument in the face of public opinion and also within the party itself, with the aim of putting out internal fires that may happen to cause of a possible assignment to ERC and Junts. The amnesty debate, one of the red lines of the independentistas to say “yes” to Sánchez, has generated clashes within the PSOE on many occasions and the objective now is to naturalize this debate.

The Socialists have gone from officially vetoing in the Congress of Deputies the proposal of both parties to process the amnesty to turning completely. The new argument that Pedro Sánchez already established this Monday is to ensure that “the one who decides that it is constitutional is the Constitutional Court.” In this way, the Socialists no longer shy away from this debate, although they avoid giving details about its possible fit into the Constitution.

The PSOE relied in 2021 on a report by the lawyers of the Congress of Deputies in which they recalled that the Magna Carta prohibits general pardons and the Penal Code only allows those that are granted individually. With this report, the PSOE and the PP halted the intention of the Republicans to approve a law to grant amnesty to those accused and convicted of the illegal referendum on 1-O.

Now, the Socialists seek to limit such criticism while looking for that legal reserve. The acting President of the Government had already warned that “dialogue” was the “method” with the independentistas and the “framework” of the Constitution. While in the PSOE they opt for discretion in the negotiations, in Sumar they reveal the steps they are taking and throw themselves as protagonists of the initiative to open the dialogue with ERC and Junts. The party of acting vice president Yolanda Díaz announced the creation of a group of twenty jurists a week ago with the aim of finding a legal reserve for the amnesty. In the formation, it is believed that all “political solutions” must be addressed, such as an amnesty law that has “all constitutional guarantees.” They defend that amnesty processes or laws in Europe have been frequent” and believe that the PSOE could “share” their proposal, although for now those of Sánchez have avoided responding.

Despite there not being a clear consensus, in ERC they reaffirm this demand and, in addition, they demand that the Socialists immediately launch all parliamentary activity, which translates into the creation and activation of all commissions. Within this framework, investigative commissions could also be created related to the alleged espionage of politicians, known as the “Pegasus case”, and the attacks in Barcelona, ​​two claims by the independentistas framed in the pacts to support Francina Armengol as Congress President. In ERC they request the implementation of parliamentary activity to avoid paralysis after learning that the investiture debate will be at the end of September and they take advantage of the precedent of the failed legislature between 2015 and 2016.

Beyond parliamentary activity, there are steps that have already been strategically taken to convince Junts and ERC. These parties do not have their own group in Congress as they did not obtain 15 percent of the votes in Catalonia or 5% of those cast in the country as a whole on 23J. Having your own group is vital in parliamentary life, as it offers the possibility of having advisers and monthly subsidies.

In solving the problem that would make it difficult for the inauguration of the acting president, Sumar has already set out to cede two of his deputies to the Republicans so that they have their own group. According to Sumar sources, the deputies transferred will be those of Tarragona and Gerona with the aim of reaching the necessary percentage of vote. These deputies from the plurinational group of Sumar will return to Díaz’s party once the ERC group is constituted, after the ratification of the Table, with a majority of leftists. A similar movement is expected from the PSOE to Junts, which does not have its own group insured either, although the Socialists have not yet confirmed it.

#vetoing #amnesty #pedagogy #leaving #hands

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