“From worker I become master, Oscar challenge with Penélope” – time.news

by time news
from Stefania Ulivi

The lead actor in Fernando León De Aranoa’s comedy “The Perfect Boss”, who has the record for Goya nominations and represents Spain at the Academy Awards

«Fernando León De Aranoa and I Spanish candidates for the Oscar and Parallel mothers no? Souls divided in two – Javier Bardem laughs heartily, joined by Courier service in a rare interval of his commute between Madrid and Hollywood -. I worked with Pedro in The flesh trembles where Penélope gave birth to a child helped by my mother (the great actress Pilar Bardem, who passed away in July, ed). With Fernando, she and I shot Loving Pedro. We are full of gratitude to the idea that our films can represent Spanish cinema, when the news came we were divided in half, but happy for each other in any case. I think you have a good chance, after the Volpi Cup in Venice, of being nominated among the actresses for the wonderful role of Janis ». For that of Julio Blanco, The good boss by Fernando León de Aranoa, Bardem received one of twenty Goya nominations, never so many in the history of the Spanish Oscars. And, in fact, the comedy (to be released on 23 December for Bim with the title The perfect garment) was chosen by the Academia española de Cine to represent Spain in the competition for the best international film.

Twenty years ago with de Aranoa he told the bitter life of the unemployed of Vigo. Now he is a boss, with few scruples and a lot of charisma.

«On Mondays in the Sun, the unemployed workers were in the foreground, here the counterpart, the entrepreneur, the power. The tone is high comedy but as always with Fernando it is a film of social criticism. The difference is that back then there was a sense of solidarity, of class belonging that is disappearing, we are more individualistic, selfish, especially with the pandemic. Participation in a collective movement, in common battles, is more difficult also because we think we can do it with Twitter. But revolutions are made with physical presence ».

Cos’ha di buono «the good patron» Julio Blanco?

«His talent is to manipulate others, to seduce them, he feels entitled to use people. But in the week of the film we see that what seemed like generosity is selfishness, his empathy is arrogance. We know of such leaders, people who today are starting to report. Recognizable all over the world, I compared him to a Weinstein. In fact, the public reacts to the American projections like the Spanish one ”.

He gave us a nice roundup of bad guys. What attracts you and is there anyone who would never do?

“In Marvel movies or 007 we just accept that evil is evil. But in the more realistic ones one wonders where the fracture lies, there must be something that made it so. A pain, a trauma, a wound. As an actor he attracts me a lot. Even a nice guy like Blanco intrigues me for the dark side. Not even the pope is a saint. That said, I know for sure that I would never play a pedophile, I wouldn’t be able to give an explanation about someone molesting children. He will be there but I don’t care ».

On the other hand, Hollywood makes her dance and sing: «Being the Ricardos», «The Little mermaid» by Rob Marshall where she is Triton, «Lyle, Lyle Crocodile».

“I’ve never worked so hard in my life. I couldn’t say no, it’s lucky in a pandemic year. I enjoy doing brilliant things but in the last two cases our children, Leonardo and Lola have decided: there is no question about whether you make you laugh better ».

New films on the horizon with Penélope?

«I would like to be better and better but later Loving Pablo e Everybody knows by Farhadi we thought we’d take a break. Mixing a personal and professional plan is demanding, we are attentive to the needs of the family ».

You’ve worked with some of the greatest directors in the world, wouldn’t you like to direct her?

“I don’t know if I would be capable of it. I would like to write but I don’t think I know how to do it. It seems to me that it has all come easily since I started acting, so many opportunities with amazing people. I was lucky, I know talented actors who haven’t had as many. And I always think that I must deserve this luck, preparing myself well. I have to have the parachute in place and then I throw myself ».

December 16, 2021 (change December 16, 2021 | 20:59)


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