Fuel prices next week | April 8th to 14th

by time news

Fuel price increases are back and in next week diesel and gasoline should become more expensive.

Diesel | +3 cents

Gasoline | +0.5 cents

According to industry sources, the Average diesel prices are expected to rise by 3 cents and gasoline prices will increase by 0.5 cents per liter.

According to the General Directorate of Energy and Geology (DGEG), the average price of a liter of gasoline in Portugal last Thursday (4 April) cost 1,801 euros while diesel cost 1,618 euros. It is also possible to verify that, Compared to December 1st, current prices reflect an increase of 12.6 cents in gasoline and a reduction of 0.008 cents in diesel.

If forecasts for next week are confirmed, the average price of simple diesel should be set at €1,648/l while the give simple gasoline 95 should rise to 1.806 €/l.

It should be noted that these forecasts are made based on the assumption that the extraordinary tax reduction measures applied by the government will be maintained to mitigate the increase in prices.

Fonte: DGEG

The measures in force include the reduction of the ISP (which is equivalent to a VAT reduction of 23% and 13%), the compensation mechanism through which the ISP is reduced in relation to additional VAT revenue and the suspension of the rate update of carbon.

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These translate into a discount of 25 cents per liter of diesel and 26 cents per liter of gasoline.

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