Fuel prices: the drop continues before the great crossover of the summer

by time news

Good news for French motorists. And in particular those who plan to align the kilometers to leave or return from vacation. Fuel prices, already on a downward trend for more than a month now, have once again lost a few cents.

Thus, according to figures published this Monday afternoon by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the price of a liter of diesel has fallen by 3.5 cents in one week to stand at just over 1.93 euros on average. . For the SP95-E10, there is no longer even talk of a fall but rather of a fall in prices since the liter lost 8 cents and settled over the last seven days at 1.87 euros. Five weeks ago, at its highest, it was 2.09 euros per liter on average. The barrel of oil is trading below 94 dollars (92 euros), its February level.

Towards a discount of 30 centimes in September and October

And the horizon for motorists could still brighten. First, because distributors are multiplying promotional offers, such as the one announced this Monday by Leclerc with the return of fuel at cost price to its service stations (excluding motorways) from July 28 to 30, during the great crossover of the summer. Above all, the National Assembly is preparing to vote on Monday evening to strengthen the government rebate. While the boost of 18 cents per liter purchased was to drop to 12 cents in October then to 6 cents in November before disappearing on December 1, the government wants to increase it to 30 cents, a compromise found with LR.

“The discount could go from 18 to 30 euro cents in September and October, then go to 10 cents in November and 10 cents in December,” the Minister of the Economy told the deputies. Bruno Le Maire also boasted that with the discount of 20 cents announced by TotalEnergies on Friday and effective from September 1, some stations could display fuel at 1.50 euros per liter.

The aid system for large riders and low-income households, which was mentioned a few weeks ago to replace the 18 cent rebate, is set aside for the moment.

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