Fuel prices: those places where gasoline and diesel already exceed 1.99 euros per liter

by time news

No new rebate at the pump, but a cap. The price of a liter of diesel and unleaded 95 will not exceed 1.99 euros in all Total service stations in the country, the group’s boss announced on Wednesday. The measure will come into force on Saturday on the motorways and from March 1 everywhere in France. However, this ceiling is already a sweet dream in several territories. Based on data published by the Ministry of the Economy, Le Parisien lists these places where gasoline is already paid more than 1.99 euros per litre.

Among the more than 1,200 intermunicipalities in mainland France, 80 have this Thursday – or have known in the last seven days – a price per liter of unleaded 95 (SP-95) greater than or equal to 1.99 euros . There are 36 for 95-E10 unleaded. The record ? 2.33 euros on average per liter of SP-95 in Belle-Île-en-Mer (Morbihan). It’s no coincidence: here, the fuel is delivered via a single tanker. A very expensive device, obviously reflected in the price at the pump, and from which the 5,000 inhabitants a year and the 450,000 tourists each summer suffer.

There isn’t really a “mapping” of pumps costing more than two euros per litre. The E10 is displayed at 2.16 euros in the Pays d’Urfé (Loire), 2.12 euros in the Highlands of Aubrac (Lozère) and the Heart of Maurienne Arvan (Savoie). When we look on a larger scale, two departments stand out with a price of SP-95 higher than 2 euros: Paris, in the lead, at 2.09 euros per liter; and the Tarn, at 2.01 euros. For the E10, only Paris is currently above 2 euros, with a price per liter at 2.04 euros.

Expensive diesel rarer

On the diesel side, there are 10 intercommunalities where the price per liter is higher than 1.99 euros. The “record” is awarded to the Pays d’Urfé, in the Loire, where it is sold there at the pump for an average of 2.11 euros. Here again, the areas affected are multiple: it is displayed at 2.08 euros in the Hautes Terres de l’Aubrac (Lozère), 2.05 euros in Lautrécois and Pays d’Agout (Tarn) and in the Community of municipalities of Serin (Yonne). Paris is currently the only department where diesel fuel exceeds 1.99 euros: it sells there for 2 euros, all stacks, when you take the average of all the pumps.

A cap at 1.99 euros (only in Total stations for the moment) could be less stress for many French people. The price of unleaded 95 is higher than 1.95 euros in 218 intermunicipal authorities, E10 in 83 and diesel in 22. The gesture is all the more welcome since, of the 210 Total stations selling SP-95 according to our database, the average price per liter there is 1.997 euro (1.96 euro for the E10 liter for 1,000 stations). Making Total the most expensive pump attendant of all among the most popular brands.

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