Fuel prices: to cope with the increase, a mayor of the Tarn offers a full tank to its inhabitants

by time news

This is the boost that will relieve the wallet of the inhabitants of Burlats (Tarn), a town located northeast of Castres. In this village of 2200 souls in the heart of Sidobre, a thousand households will receive mid-April a “good fuel” worth 60 euros offered by the town hall. A way for the elected official (without label) to support his constituents in the face of rising fuel prices in a rural area with little public transport.

“This decision was taken unanimously by the municipal council on March 31 by voting an envelope of 60,000 euros, gathered by cutting certain operating expenses and postponing certain non-priority projects, such as road surfacing, underlines Serge Serieys, mayor of Burlats. We still have two million euros planned for investments, which does not call into question major projects. We don’t have a bus line and the car is almost the only means of transport, so the skyrocketing prices are impacting the inhabitants. »

To benefit from this good fuel, which features a QR code and which can be used in several installments at the Super U service station in Castres, you must live in the town as your main residence. The voucher is not nominative and can therefore be given if the household does not have a car.

To support the purchasing power of its constituents, the mayor of Burlats is not at his first attempt since he had granted in 2018, at the time of the discontent of the yellow vests, free on the first 20 m3 of water. A saving of around 50 euros per year for the Burlacquois but which has continued for four years.

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