Fuel, student grant, borrower insurance… What changes on September 1st

by time news

PURCHASING POWER. The first aid measures relating to the purchasing power law come into force this Thursday, September 1, 2022. Revaluation of the fuel discount, reform of borrower insurance… Overview.

[Mis à jour le 1er septembre 2022 à 08h04] This Thursday, September 1, the first support measures contained in the purchasing power law come into force. This purchasing power package was voted on during the summer by deputies and senators to help the poorest households in the face of rising consumer prices. The surge in fuel prices has notably given rise to the fuel discount. This discount or fuel bonus goes this Thursday from 18 cents to 30 cents per liter purchased. Better yet, if you decide to refuel at Total, the firm grants a discount of 20 additional cents to all motorists! In summary, a rebate of 50 euro cents per liter is possible at Total, from Thursday September 1 to October 31. These two discounts will then drop to 10 euro cents, from November 1 to December 31, before finally being extinguished.

Another important novelty from this Thursday, the long-awaited reform of borrower insurance. From now on, an insured has the possibility of terminating his loan insurance contract at any time, regardless of his contract! Until then, only new contracts were concerned, current contracts are now concerned thanks to the second part of the Lemoine law. The third major change concerns the revaluation of social minima, and therefore, student grants. Indeed, the scholarships awarded on criteria increase from September 1 by 4% to enable students to fight against the high inflation that the country has suffered for many months (6.1% in July over one year). All levels (from 0 to 7) are concerned by this revaluation, valid for the academic year 2022-2023. Increase in pensions, increase in RSA, APL, AAH… Discover all the major changes that will take place during the month of September, within the framework of the purchasing power law promulgated on August 16, and published in the Official Journal on August 18, below, in our dedicated article:

As part of the purchasing power law massively voted by deputies and senators, not without heated discussions, the fuel discount will benefit from a large increase from September 1, 2022! Indeed, to take into account galloping inflation (6.1% in July over one year), the government has decided to raise the fuel discount available to all motorists from 18 to 30 euro cents per liter purchased at the station. service. As a reminder, the operation can also take place at the checkout, or when you pay directly at the pump. No prior calculation to be made, the price displayed is the price paid. But then, will this discount last? Until when ? Here is the schedule for the fuel discount, until the end of the year:

  • From April 1 to August 31, 2022 : 18 euro cents
  • From September 1 to October 31, 2022 : 30 euro cents
  • From November 1 to December 31, 2022 : 10 euro cents
  • January 1, 2023 : suppression ?

Starting the September 1, 2022, the termination at any time of a borrower’s insurance contract will be possible, for all! Indeed, thanks to the new Lemoine law, all borrowers who have signed a loan contract before June 1 will be able to terminate it at their discretion. Only one condition persists: find an offer with at least equivalent guarantees. Another notable development is the end of the medical questionnaire for loans of less than 200,000 euros, and 400,000 euros for a couple. A device valid if the maturity of the loan is scheduled before the 60th birthday of the insured. Finally, the reduction of the right to be forgotten from 10 to 5 years is also planned.

The scholarships based on social criteria will be revalued by 4% from the back to school 2022 for the 2022-2023 academic year. This increase will apply from step 0 bis at 7 without distinction. Over the past two years, the amount of scholarships had increased by only 1%.

The payment of basic retirement pensions supplemented by the 4% increase has been delayed in recent weeks. A retroactive effect will be applied to July 1st, but what will be the date of the first payment? Retirement insurance communicated it: September 9, 2022 for the August retirement. Delays due to the lengthening of the parliamentary calendar. The increase in pensions having only been recorded on August 3rd. De facto, the National Old Age Insurance Fund was unable to redo its calculations in time and adapt the transfers with the increase to the 15 million pensioners concerned. As a reminder, this increase should be followed by a second increase in January 2023, as announced by the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire during the summer.

In a few days, CAF recipients will receive the RSA payment with the famous 4% increase linked to the purchasing power law. The latter was published in the Official Journal on Wednesday August 17, making it directly applicable. A retroactive effect will be applied from July 1st, only small problem, everyone will not receive the allowance at the same time in September. Why ? In reality, the declaration of income for the RSA is quarterly, the payment will therefore depend on your last declaration, two months may pass between the first payment and the last. Here is a schedule of payment dates:

  • September 5 : Tax declarations in May, June and July
  • October 5 : Tax returns in June, July and August
  • November 5th : Income tax returns in April, May and June

With this revaluation, the amount of the RSA will reach 598,55 euros for a single person! As a reminder, a novelty and not the least, could appear in the weeks or months to come. The payment of RSA under conditions. One thing is certain, “the new terms will be put in place as soon as possible” indicated the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt. What put back on the table a highly flammable subject, widely decried by the various opposition groups, sometimes described as “volunteer”.

It is now done! The disabled adult allowance is going to increase by 4% from now on. The National Assembly has indeed definitively passed the bill on purchasing power which includes this measure in particular. For the beneficiaries of this aid, its increase will allow them to pocket 37 euros more per month. A slightly higher amount, which does not however compensate for inflation, which is nearly 6.1% in July over one year. It should be noted that if the revaluation of the AAH is definitively entered into the law on August 3, its effect will be retroactive to July 1. The next installment is expected on September 5, 2022.

since the beginning of the year, the calculation of the APL has changed. From now on, the CAF takes into account the income of the beneficiary over the last twelve rolling months, and no longer the resources dating back two years. This change resulted in a reduction in the APL for many recipients, or even its disappearance for some. Young workers, but also students on professional contracts were among the first to be penalized by this reform. Also, the APL amount increased on July 1, 2022 by 3,5% to account for inflation. The first payment including this increase should take place on September 5th.

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