Fuels: gasoline and diesel prices are falling

by time news

In service stations, the situation is improving a little bit, both in the tanks and on the totems that display the prices. According to the latest official figures, published on Monday, which cover the previous week, the liter of diesel appears on average at 1.90 euro, down 1%. As for unleaded 95-E10, it is sold on average at 1.63 euros (-1.8%). These tariffs take into account the government rebate of 30 cents as well as that of 20 cents from TotalEnergies, both extended until mid-November.

On the shortage side, while the strike by refinery employees only affects two TotalEnergies sites, the Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, assured this Monday morning on franceinfo that “a little more than 10% of the stations are still in difficulty, that is to say who lack at least one product”. Really ? AFP has calculated that nearly 21% of service stations at the national level still lacked at least one type of fuel, on a sample that served it on September 20, before the start of the difficulties.

Disparities between departments

Above all, all French motorists are not housed in the same boat. At least one fuel is missing in 58.3% of the stations in Puy-de-Dôme, 55.1% of those in Ain and 49.4% in Seine-Saint-Denis.

The proportion of stations in total shortage was 12.8% on average at the national level. But some departments also found themselves in much more tense situations: 36.2% in Yonne, 35.5% in Puy-de-Dôme and in Nièvre, or 34.5% in Paris.

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