Fugitive John Numbi makes threats – Congo Indépendant

by time news

2023-10-15 15:14:54

Gaston Mutamba Permission

On Saturday October 7, Fatshi went to submit his candidacy for the presidential election. General John Numbi chose that day to emerge from the shadows. From a radio repairman in Likasi, he became an army general overnight, without any exploits on the battlefields, without wearing out his pants on the benches of a war school. In a video that went viral on the internet, he declared urbi et orbi that Fatshi did not respect an agreement signed with the silent Joseph Kabila before God, heads of state, soldiers and men. Hell and damnation! He ordered the army, the police and all the country’s defense forces to renounce their duty of obedience. Stupor and tremors!

As if that wasn’t enough, he promised to block Fatshi’s path. As one of those who endorsed the agreement, he stated bluntly that “only the maker of the monster is capable of destroying it, as much as we have given him the power, we are capable of taking it back willingly or by force”. Stupor and tremors! “Alea jacta est” Julius Caesar said before crossing the Rubicon with his troops! This is reminiscent of Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus.” In this novel, a scientist named Victor Frankenstein manages to give life to a human corpse reconstituted from dead flesh. Horrified by the monster he has just created, he prefers to abandon it and then seeks to destroy it so that it does not cause more disasters. Finally, he gives up the ghost before the eyes of the monster. Saperlipopette!

John Numbi’s threats must be taken seriously, especially since his journey is marked by the blood of his victims. He had many Kasaians killed in Katanga during ethnic cleansing. He executed hundreds of activists from the mystical-religious sect of Bundu dia Kongo. He had human rights defender Floribert Chebeya and his driver Fidèle Bazana murdered, etc. Hell and damnation!

By the way, the political agreement between Fatshi and the ex-Rais exists? The former president of the CENI, Corneille Nangaa, suddenly talkative, boasts of being one of the co-authors of the text. Fatshi denies its existence. According to my friend who knows what is happening in every nook and cranny of crumbling Kinshasa, it is obvious that a power sharing agreement was signed in January 2019 between the two camps. But Zoé Kabila declared at the time that “we will not leave power to just anyone”. Anyone who was to succeed Kabila therefore had to negotiate with him. Anyway, it’s in the past. Historians will one day say what really happened.

This does not explain that, in these days marked by the presidential election, polls abound. Since time immemorial, our ancestors have sought to know in what sauce we will be eaten. According to my know-it-all friend, they used witchcraft and dreams to predict the future. In ancient Greece, there was the Oracle of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, called the Pythia. Among the Romans, there were omens. With a watchful eye, a priest was responsible for interpreting natural phenomena considered to be omens. He studied the flight of birds and the way in which the sacred chickens ate, in order to draw omens. And then came the calculation of probabilities and finally the survey which is a statistical survey carried out on a given population. Polls are sometimes manipulated. In Ivory Coast, the presidential election was to be held in 2005. It was postponed several times by President Gbagbo for fear of being beaten. The French secret services, which are the best in the world only in West Africa, pushed him to use polling institutes that they controlled. They published polls in which he was the favorite. The election was finally organized in 2010. It was bad for him. He was beaten by Alasane Ouattara. He did not recognize the results and was ousted from power on April 11, 2011.

We say that if we don’t watch our words, we find misfortune.




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#Fugitive #John #Numbi #threats #Congo #Indépendant

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