Full moon on January 25th: The snow moon gives new strength to 3 zodiac signs

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Full moon horoscope on January 25th The snow moon gives new strength to 3 zodiac signs

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The first full moon this year will shine on January 25th. in the firmament. Which zodiac signs are particularly favored by its energy?

The first full moon of 2024 will light up the night on January 25th. At 6:55 p.m. he is in Zodiac sign Leo in all its glory in the sky.

These fiery energies particularly support us in achieving our goals and continuing to stick to our resolutions.

Snow moon, ice moon, Hartung: This is what the moon names mean

The first full moon in January is also known as the “snow moon” or “ice moon”. This is due to the icy season in which it appears to us. In this country, the January full moon is also known as “Hartung”, which in turn is derived from the fact that the earth is often hard frozen in January. In North America, however, it is also known as the “Wolf Moon”. The name refers to the increased howling of wolves during this month.

Full Moon in Leo – This is what it brings to the zodiac signs

Self-confidence, ambition and pride: qualities that characterize the zodiac sign Leo and that will now benefit us under the full moon in the fire sign. Above all, it encourages us to continue to stick to our goals and plans that we forged under the influence of Capricorn at the beginning of the year. The full moon in Leo gives us motivation and perseverance, but also a large portion of courage to believe in ourselves and our plans. Full of energy and optimism, we set to work to realize it with this special energy.

The proud lion also represents passion, but is also considered self-centered. However, this can be really good for us right now. The Leo Moon is a good reminder that asks us to put ourselves first again and to practice self-love instead of always taking care of the needs of others first. What do you need right now? What do you want?

3 zodiac signs particularly benefit from the fiery Leo moon


The often underestimated crabs are now showing what they are made of. Supported by the snow moon in Leo with self-confidence and courage, you will no longer let yourself be taken for granted, but instead remain true to yourself and stand up for what is important to you. You’re finally showing your true potential and it will pay off in every way.


For the sensitive water sign Pisces, the Leo full moon offers a push in the right direction. You feel confident, courageous and express your opinions openly and honestly. Not only will you earn respect for this, but above all it will be good for you to break out of your usual patterns and dare to do something. With the lunar energies behind you, a lot of beautiful and new things can emerge.


Leos particularly benefit from the full moon energies in their own sign. Together with the Aquarius Sun, it ensures a truly lucky week in which some matters that have been bothering you for a long time just fall into place. You can also look forward to tingling, passionate moments with deep feelings and lots of love.

jba Brigitte


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