We provide the official version in Spanish that provides the Vatican speech of Pope Francis to the authorities, civil society and the Diplomatic Corps gathered at the Indonesian Presidential Palace, the first stop of his trip to Asia, the longest of his pontificate.

Mr President,
distinguished authorities,
the most eminent lords Cardinal,
Distinguished Representatives of the various religious communities and religions,
distinguished representatives of civil society,
members of the Diplomatic Corps:

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I sincerely thank you, Mr. President, for the pleasant invitation to visit the country, and for your kind greetings. I wish to convey my most heartfelt wishes to the President-elect for fruitful work in the service of Indonesia, a vast archipelago of thousands and thousands of islands that are surrounded by the sea that connects Asia to the Ocean.

Arguably, just as the ocean is the natural element that binds all the Indonesian islands together, so is the mutual respect for the specific cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious characteristics of human groups. all in Indonesia the indispensable thread. that makes the people of Indonesia stay united and proud.

Your national mottoIt is the only difference” (“Unity in diversity“, which literally means”Just enough“) this multiform reality of people who are diverse, but firmly integrated into one nation. And it also shows that, just as the great biodiversity that is in this archipelago is a source of wealth and splendor, in the same way, the differences specific to form a wonderful mosaic, in which each piece is an irreplaceable element in the composition of the original work. And this is your greatest wealth.

Harmony in differences is achieved when each particular opinion takes into account the common needs and when all ethnic groups and religious confessions act in a spirit of brotherhood, pursuing the noble purpose of serving the good of all. Knowing that one is participating in a shared history in which everyone contributes, and in which everyone’s solidarity with the whole is fundamental, helps to identify appropriate solutions, to avoid the polarization of differences and to change confrontation as a whole. effective collaboration.

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