Fundraiser by Claudia Lijnsvelt : Help Cure Ginger

by time news

Dear family, friends, friends who are so kind to share this,

The story

After more than 4 years of fighting, having visited all experts in multiple hospitals, wrong diagnoses, 3 incorrect operations later, one less surgically removed rib, not a day without nerve pain. And besides being stuffed by doctors with more and more painkillers and other medicines, we finally know the cause. My sister Ginger has chronic Lyme disease. That explains her nerve pains, mental complaints, skin complaints, joint complaints and because of which she can now hardly walk. Ginger is dependent on our help on a daily basis, is now 100% rejected and has been living for 2 years from a WIA.

It’s heartbreaking to see your sister so sick and lonely, we are so powerless…

What is Lyme Disease:

Lyme disease is a complex multi-system disease caused by the Borrelia Burgdorferi sl bacteria that can be transmitted through a tick bite.

What many people do not know is that a tick can spread up to 80 different bacteria and viruses in the body. Ginger appears to be infected with a number of these bacteria and viruses after research in a German laboratory (they are not yet skilled enough in the Netherlands to find out in the blood). Including the Bartonella, which is the most harmful bacterium since this bacterium settles on the nervous system. This causes excruciating headaches and nerve pains that Ginger suffers every day, every hour, every minute. In traditional medicine in the Netherlands there is no solution in this advanced and chronic stage and you just have to figure it out.

Coincidence does not exist

Floor came across our path by accident, who also has Chronic Lyme. We came into contact with a specialized German doctor through her Dr Carsten Nicolaus with a clinic in London. Four weeks ago Ginger had her first consultation and her “scientifically proven” treatment plan (which will take at least a year/a year and a half) with him.

how is dr Carsten Nicholas?

Dr. Carsten Nicolaus is a world-renowned Lyme specialist, dedicating his career to researching, diagnosing, and treating Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. He provides mentorship and training to doctors and clinics worldwide and offers personalized support to practitioners with patients who have complex medical histories. Since 1990, he has advised over 28,000 Lyme patients from over 80 countries. Dr. Nicolaus has trained over 1,500 doctors since 2006 and has been an active member of ILADS (International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society) since 2007. Dr. Nicolaus founded the largest Lyme clinic in Europe.

The treatment plan

Ginger is given antibiotics and supplements continuously for a minimum of 12 months, specifically tailored and formulated to her bacterial balance and virus composition.

This variant was chosen because the disease has already established itself in her brain. So you have to give gas. Since this is going to be a tough and not risk-free process, Ginger will have to undergo a lot of testing and even more treatments. And also have to regularly visit Dr Carsten’s clinic in London to have these tests done.

In addition, the money is spent on mental guidance, physiotherapy, travel costs, etc

We had tears in our eyes when he said; “I can cure you Ginger”!


We are so grateful that this man came our way. It finally gives Ginger hope that things will turn out well. So that after this treatment she can pick up her life again and as a healthy young woman can go back to work and enjoy life.

Rich man’s disease

In America, Lyme disease is not called Rich man’s disease for nothing. The disease can now only be treated really well in foreign private clinics

Since Lyme is not yet seen as an important disease in the Netherlands and the insurance companies do not cooperate, the same applies here.

I find it quite difficult to ask for financial help, but every little bit helps so that Ginger can do this treatment.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Gianni Goedhals

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