Funeral of Rabbi Kanievsky: Hundreds of thousands crowd Bnei Brak. Updated

by time news

Hundreds of thousands of people, women and children are flocking today (Sunday) to the funeral of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, the late Rabbi of the Torah, in the Torah city of Bnei Brak. Zichron Meir II, where Whitman is with the Rebbetzin.

During the funeral procession, the obituary will be delivered by Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein – a member of the Council of Torah Scholars and the brother – in – law of the late Garach. Recitation of Psalms and Slichot by Rabbi Moshe Boyar.

All the emergency services in the country have joined the success of the largest funeral the city of Bnei Brak has ever known; Local authorities have issued guidelines and recommendations to residents; The Ministries of Transport and Education have updated the public on the changes following the funeral; The funeral organizers issued instructions to hundreds of thousands of attendants and asked the public not to approach the bed of the late Maran. Also, no entry will be allowed into the cemetery area and its surroundings, until after the burial. Urgent in the funeral area.

ongoing updates:

11:15 – Fire Commissioner Rabbi Tafser Eyal Caspi came on a tour of the area and the district district of the Dan district. There is now a mission in front of all the forces operating in the field.

11:12 – Severe communication problems in Bnei Brak in the streets near the Garach house in Rashbam.

11:10 – Thousands of people got stuck in exits from the ultra-Orthodox cities without transportation, following the directive to completely cancel public transportation to Bnei Brak until after the funeral of the late Garach.

11:00 – A siren and an announcement canceling a craft is heard in the city of Bnei Brak.

11:00 – Under the direction of the Ministry of Transportation – as of this moment, there is no further departure of buses to Bnei Brak.

10:58 – Who is like your people Israel: Neighbors on Harishonim Street distribute food and water to those who come from outside the city.

10:55 – ‏The president of the Council of Sages, Shalom Cohen, is now leaving Jerusalem for a funeral procession in Bnei Brak.

10:50 – So far, 1,100 buses have arrived at the terminal on Road 4. Hundreds more buses are on the way.

10:45 – About an hour and a half to the funeral: Tens of thousands of people have already settled in the streets near the late Garach house on Rashbam Street in Bnei Brak.

10:40 – Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef is now on his way to a funeral procession in Bnei Brak.

10:38 – The Rebbe of Gur is now making his way from Jerusalem to Bnei Brak, for the funeral procession of the late Garach.

10:35 – The National Insurance Institute: The medical committees scheduled for today in Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan have been postponed to a new date, due to Rabbi Kanievsky’s funeral and the closure of the roads. “We will contact you and arrange new dates for you soon,” it was reported.

10:30 – The World Center of the Viznitz House in Bnei Brak hosts hundreds of people who came from outside the city for the funeral procession. The hall of the beit midrash and the halls in the building were placed at the service of the public.

10:28 – The chairman of the Knesset committee, MK Nir Orbach from the right, opens the discussion with remarks in memory of the late Rabbi Kanievsky: “Honesty and truth. The rabbi accepted every person wherever he was, giving a blessing or advice and at the same time, not giving up his studies.”

10:28 – Beit Shemesh: The last bus to the funeral in Bnei Brak is leaving at this moment. Now, public transportation from Beit Shemesh to Bnei Brak is completely closed.

10:25 – Bus parking: This is what Route 4 looks like in the last minutes. Watch:

10:22 – Gur Hasidism announces the cancellation of an event that was supposed to take place today in the nation’s buildings for the thousands of girls from the Beit Yaakov schools of Hasidism, following the mourning for the departure of the late Garach.

10:20 – MDA asks everyone who may need medical assistance not to be in the expected congestion areas – as much as possible.

10:20 – Modi’in Illit Municipality: The funeral procession will be broadcast live for women in the municipal park from 12:00.

10:15 – About 750 buses have already arrived in Bnei Brak. About 15,000 people arrived by Israeli train. A few hundred more buses are expected in the next two hours.

10:10 – The Rabbi of the Haredi community, Gr. Weiss, is currently attending a funeral in Bnei Brak and has ordered all circles of the Haredi community to attend. At the meeting of the Rabbi of the Haredi community, Gramm Sternbuch removed the curtain following the mourning.

10:00 – Commissioner Kobi Shabtai arrived at Beit Maran on Rashbam Street

09:50 – Rabbi Eliyahu, one of the clear disciples of the Minister of Torah who was supposed to eulogize, was unable to arrive in Israel by private plane from Canada. Instead he will attend an obituary in Chicago along with GRI Newman R.I. Lakewood.

09:45 – Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai has come to closely monitor the funeral procession now on the streets of Bnei Brak.

09:40 – 39 Ihud Hatzalah ambulances (including 3 intensive care vehicles) and about 150 Ihud Hatzalah emergency motorcycles are prepared to provide a quick and immediate medical response to any medical case during the funeral of the Minister of Torah, Garach Kanievsky Zatzokal in Bnei Brak. Also: Dozens of doctors, paramedics, and paramedics from the Rescue Union will provide a medical response on the funeral streets as foot crews throughout the funeral.

09:30 – The Bnei Brak Municipality publishes the places where the women will concentrate throughout the funeral procession: 1. The area of ​​Rabbi Landa Street – Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi. 2. Ben Yaakov Street – Ben David

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