Funerals held for victims of attack on military academy in Homs, as shelling intensifies in Idlib

by time news

Funerals Held for Victims of Deadly Attack on Military Academy in Homs

Funerals have begun for the victims of a devastating attack on a military academy in the city of Homs, Syria. The attack, which took place during a graduation ceremony, resulted in the death of at least 89 people, including 31 women and five children, according to Syria’s Ministry of Health. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported a toll of over 120 casualties. The attack was conducted by several drones, marking an unprecedented use of this technology against government forces in the ongoing conflict.

Mourners in Homs gathered at the military hospital, where coffins draped in Syrian flags were placed, as a military band played solemn music and soldiers saluted. The atmosphere was somber as the community came together to honor the fallen. Syria has declared three days of national mourning in the wake of the attack.

Following the Homs strike, government forces intensified shelling and missile attacks on the opposition-held province of Idlib. Fourteen people were killed in Idlib on Thursday, and three more lost their lives on Friday due to the continued government attacks. Among the victims were a married couple and a two-year-old child, who was killed in a Russian air attack.

The intensified violence in Idlib has raised concerns of further attacks on civilian areas. Friday prayers were canceled in opposition-held areas of Idlib and Aleppo, as authorities feared that mosques could become targets. The situation remains tense as government forces and opposition groups continue to clash.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack on the military academy. The Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Syria blamed “terrorist” groups without providing specific details. They vowed to respond to the attack “with full force.” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed deep concern over the drone attack and reports of retaliatory shelling in northwest Syria. Russian President Vladimir Putin, a key ally of the Syrian government, sent his condolences to President Bashar al-Assad.

This attack represents a major security breach for the Syrian regime, which has not faced such an operation in government-controlled territory in years. The conflict in Syria began with protests against President al-Assad in 2011 and has since escalated into a brutal civil war that has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands and displaced millions.

The situation in Syria remains fluid and unpredictable as tensions continue to rise. The international community is closely monitoring the developments and seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict. As the casualties are mourned and laid to rest, the focus now shifts to preventing further violence and finding a path towards lasting peace in the war-torn country.

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