Further clarification on renaming “citizen identity card” to “identity card” | Politics

by time news

2023-08-18 14:35:50

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a speech. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Continuing the program of the 25th session, on the afternoon of August 18, National Assembly Standing Committee giving opinions and listening to reports explaining, absorbing and correcting a number of major issues of the draft Law on Citizenship Identity (amended).

Two different types of opinions on the name of the draft Law

Chairman of the National Assembly’s National Defense and Security Committee Le Tan Toi said that through the opinions of the National Assembly deputies and the process of studying, absorbing and adjusting, there are two different opinions about the name of the National Assembly. bill.

The first type of opinion agrees with the plan to change the name of the law to Law of Identity to be consistent with the addition of the applicable subject of the law is people of Vietnamese origin. Accordingly, people of Vietnamese origin who are living in Vietnam but have not yet determined their nationality are an important and inseparable part of the nation and need to be recognized by the State and society.

Among these, there are highly qualified people who want to contribute to the country but have problems with identification documents. The rest are mostly weak and vulnerable people; generations without identification and have difficulty in exercising basic human rights.

[Luật Căn cước: Cần quy định cụ thể phạm vi khai thác thông tin cá nhân]

In reality, management agencies do not have documents and data to manage this object, so they face difficulties in management, especially in terms of ensuring security and order, and are vulnerable to some organizations, individuals who intentionally take advantage of human rights issues to cause trouble, disrupt social order and safety, and oppose the government.

Therefore, the draft Law on Supplemental Regulations for people of Vietnamese origin and regulations on the issuance of identity certificates for them is necessary, in line with practical requirements and not contrary to the provisions of current law. onion.

In addition, there is an opinion that the name of citizen identity is not suitable for people who are serving prison sentences, because they have been deprived of some citizenship rights during the time of serving the sentence and are restricted in a number of ways. rights in administrative and civil transactions…

Therefore, changing the law’s name to the Law of Identity is necessary and consistent with the addition of the applicable object of the law.

The second type of opinion is that it is necessary to regulate the management and issuance of identity certificates for people of Vietnamese origin as submitted by the Government. However, this object accounts for a very small percentage (about more than 31 thousand people), not the main subject of application in the Law.

Using the name of citizen identity is still appropriate for people who are serving a prison sentence because they are still citizens and only have a limited number of citizenship rights, so changing the name of the law to the Law on Identity is not appropriate. fit.

Mr. Le Tan Toi said that the Standing Committee of the National Defense and Security Committee and the Drafting Committee agreed with the first opinion and found that changing the law’s name to the Law on Identity would cover the scope of regulation, the subjects to be applied. use of the Law.

Participating in the discussion, Chairman of the National Assembly’s Social Committee Nguyen Thuy Anh agreed with the addition of people of Vietnamese origin to the subjects of application of the law in order to ensure the implementation of human and civil rights. is the protection of rights related to civil and administrative transactions, property protection.

Chairman of the National Assembly’s National Defense and Security Committee Le Tan Toi presented the report. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Delegate Nguyen Thuy Anh stated that according to the report of the National Defense and Security Committee, this is a historical issue that has existed for a long time due to many reasons, including war and migration.

People of Vietnamese origin are also a small and inseparable part of the nation and need to be recognized by the State and society. Most of these people are special, vulnerable and vulnerable groups in society and need to be cared for and protected.

Therefore, the issuance of identity certificates for people of Vietnamese origin is necessary, thereby contributing to ensuring social order and safety, and enhancing the effectiveness of state management.

Regarding the collection, exploitation and use of information in the identity database, the Chairman of the Social Committee agreed when the draft Law included a classification of mandatory information to be collected and updated into the database. national population, the collected information is exploited to the maximum when citizens voluntarily provide it to avoid collecting too much unused and wasteful information. Even if the management is not good, it can also reveal personal information.

However, delegate Nguyen Thuy Anh suggested that it is necessary to continue to study and assess the full impact of the information that needs to be collected to both ensure the privacy of citizens. Vietnamese people In addition to reducing administrative procedures for the people, effectively implementing state management in this area.

At the same time, it is necessary to continue researching to have strict regulations on sharing and exploiting information in the identity database, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Constitution on human rights and citizens’ rights.

Clarifying the pros and cons of renaming

Speaking at the meeting, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue stated that there are still two different opinions on the name of the Law project; It is proposed that on the basis of opinions of the National Assembly deputies, agencies need to clarify the advantages and disadvantages of each option (changing the name of the law and not changing the name of the law) to ensure objectivity.

The National Assembly Chairman said that no matter which option is chosen, there should be a document to be issued to people of Vietnamese origin; At the same time, the bill should also clarify what people of Vietnamese origin are.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue suggested that on the issue of collecting, updating, managing, connecting, sharing, exploiting and using information in the identity, it is necessary to separate the information people voluntarily provide and inform them. mandatory information.

Regarding the integration of information such as health insurance, driver’s license, marriage certificate, etc., the National Assembly Chairwoman said that it is necessary to review regulations and agree with the Ministry of Finance. Civil law 2015 and other laws.

Continuing the 25th Session, on the afternoon of August 18, at the National Assembly House, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the explanation, acceptance and revision of the Citizen Identity Law (amended) and Project Law on Forces participating in the Protection of Security and Order at the Grassroots. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a speech. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

National Assembly Vice Chairman Nguyen Khac Dinh delivered a speech. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong delivered a speech. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Minister of Public Security To Lam delivered a speech. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly Vu Hai Ha delivered a speech. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Chairman of the Law Committee of the National Assembly Hoang Thanh Tung delivered a speech. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Chairman of the National Assembly’s Social Committee Nguyen Thuy Anh delivered a speech. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Chairman of Committee for Science, Technology and Environment Le Quang Huy delivered a speech. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Xuan Tung (VNA/Vietnam+)

#clarification #renaming #citizen #identity #card #identity #card #Politics

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